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There are 3 types of bots included with OJP: Normal, TABBots, and AotC. Changes made to the bot.txt and .jkb files affect only the Normal bots (base game) for some reason and not the other 2 types. Also, changes made to the .npc and .sab files aren't affecting any of the bot types. I can get the desired effect that I want with the Normal bots i.e. they fully deploy and utilize dual and staff sabers/stances. Unfortunately, these bots refuse to walk or play defensively which leaves them wide open for instant kills; no fun. The TABBots/AotC bots on the other hand walk while dueling and play defensively which makes for a good time. However, these bots refuse to fully deploy dual or staff sabers even when in the proper stance. I can't be certain but based on the edits I've made to the .pk3 files and from what I've seen in-game, I "think" that the TABBots/AotC bots are either hardcoded, or are calling on a file or script that I have yet to stumble across. Is this a possibility?
Changing the saberattack value to 4 in the .jkb dismared all the Alora bots. When I entered the game all the punching and screaming made me LOL! I've been copy/pasting the base .pk3 files, editing any pertinent values, and inserting them into the ojp .pk3 with the same file structure/format. I think I still have a few areas left to explore and I also read a post here that referred to: saberStyle, saberStylelearned, and saberStyleforbidden values?
For good measure, here's Alora.npc from the base folder. alora { playerModel alora rank lt saber single_4 saberColor red weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 health 300 FP_HEAL 0 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 2 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 0 FP_ABSORB 0 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 0 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 2 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 2 reactions 3 aim 3 move 5 aggression 3 evasion 4 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN sex female snd alora sndcombat alora sndjedi alora yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 } There isn't Alora.npc in the OJP pk3 files.
Here's Alora.jkb from the base folder pk3, the ojp folder doesn't have Alora.jkb in the pk3. //Alora personality //Do not let this file exceed 131072 bytes. //Do not let any group exceed 8192 bytes. //Do not let the chat section exceed 8192 bytes. //Some values are base values and changed by the in-game skill. The formula for reflex and accuracy //is basevalue/skill. So if you give a base reflex of 500ms, a nightmare bot will have a reaction time of //100ms. Other values, like turnspeed_combat (higher == faster), are multiplied by the skill number. //Note also that depending on if the bot and the enemy are moving at the same time, the degrees the bot //aims off by can be greater than the maximum accuracy value. So if the bot and its enemy are both flying //through the air and accuracy is at 20, the bot could easily aim off by 25 degrees instead. That is, //unless perfectaim is 1. In this case the bot will aim perfectly at all times (as the name indicates). GeneralBotInfo { reflex 500 //base reflex value, time in ms it takes the bot to react accuracy 30 //base accuracy, number of degrees bot can aim off by. Lower value == better aim. turnspeed 0.01 turnspeed_combat 0.01 maxturn 140 perfectaim 0 chatability 1 chatfrequency 3 hatelevel 3 camper 1 saberspecialist 1 //if 1, bot will not run just because it's forced to use a saber //don't exceed 20 force points total forceinfo 7-1-033300332000030330 // hlspptglrpattdssss // eepuueriarbeereaaa // aveslliggosaaaebbb // l ehlephetommi eee // d t erhfn rrr // n cbeo adt // i t ar teh // n lc tfr // g e aeo // cnw // kd //rank-side-heal.lev.speed.push.pull.tele.grip.lightning.rage.protect.absorb.teamheal.teamforce.drain.see.saberattack.saberdefend.saberthrow //1==light side 2==dark side } //Weapons with a weight of 0 will be used in special cases outside of combat BotWeaponWeights { WP_STUN_BATON 1 WP_SABER 20 WP_BRYAR_PISTOL 10 WP_BLASTER 12 WP_DISRUPTOR 13 WP_BOWCASTER 14 WP_REPEATER 15 WP_DEMP2 16 WP_FLECHETTE 18 WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER 17 WP_THERMAL 9 WP_TRIP_MINE 0 WP_DET_PACK 0 } //Alora has no emotional attachments
Here's part of the bot.txt from the base folder; assets1.pk3 //----------------- // Dark Side bots // Currently, all DS bots carry red lightsabers //----------------- { name "Alora" model alora color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_4" saber2 "single_4" personality /botfiles/Alora.jkb } { name "Cultist" model cultist color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_9" saber2 "none" personality /botfiles/Cultist.jkb } { name "Desann" model desann color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_8" saber2 "none" personality /botfiles/Desann.jkb } { name "Galak Fyarr" model galak color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "dual_4" saber2 "none" personality /botfiles/Galak.jkb } { name "Lannik Racto" model human_merc color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_8" saber2 "single_8" personality /botfiles/Galak.jkb } { name "Imperial Officer" model imperial color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_7" saber2 "none" personality /botfiles/imperial.jkb } And here's part of the bot.txt from the ojp folder; ojpehancedstuff.pk3 //----------------- // Dark Side bots // Currently, all DS bots carry red lightsabers //----------------- { name "Alora" model alora color1 10 color2 10 saber1 "single_4" saber2 "single_4" personality /botfiles/Alora.jkb rgb_script1 :255,255,0:500:0,255,0:500:255,0,0:500: rgb_script2 :0,255,0:500:0,255,255:500:0,0,255:500: } { name "Cultist" model cultist color1 8 color2 8 saber1 "single_9" saber2 "single_9" personality /botfiles/Cultist.jkb rgb_saber1 128,0,255 rgb_saber2 255,255,255 } { name "Desann" model desann color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_8" saber2 "none" personality /botfiles/Desann.jkb } { name "Galak Fyarr" model galak color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "dual_4" saber2 "none" personality /botfiles/Galak.jkb } { name "Lannik Racto" model human_merc/default_racto color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_8" saber2 "single_8" personality /botfiles/Galak.jkb } { name "Imperial Officer" model imperial color1 0 color2 0 saber1 "single_7" saber2 "none" personality /botfiles/imperial.jkb } Thanks for the fast response, I will post more line from the base and ojp folder .pk3 files if needed.
Hello, I have Jedi Academy 1.01 and OJP 1.2 installed. I've noticed that bots wielding dual and staff sabers never deploy the second saber, even when they are in the proper stance (ataru/dual) or (niman/staff). 1. Is this normal? I've seen several youtube videos showing bots using dual and staff sabers correctly. 2. Can I restrict/edit the use of certain sabers and stances for certain bots and npcs? If so, what files do I need to edit? I've spent several hours going through the base and OJP folder. I've made changes to the .pk3, .sab, .npc, and bot.txt files but to no avail. Any insight regarding this topic is welcomed and appreciated. Thank You!