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MasterYoda's Achievements

  1. Thanks alot! I feel that the face should have an update to it.
  2. Yeah, there will definitely be an update, probably during January 2018.
  3. NOTE ; THIS IS IMPORTANT ; READ! To install Supreme Leader Snoke, download the file, and put the PK3 file in: For Jedi Academy: "C:/Program Files or (x86)/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base" For KotF: "C:/Program Files or (x86)/Lucas Arts/KotF Jedi Academy Expansion Pack/Game data/Base" for KOTF" To spawn Snoke, type: npc spawn snoke To play as Snoke, type: playermodel snoke
  4. Version V1.0


    This mod is supposed to resemble Supreme Leader Snoke from Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. There is room for improvement (the face), but it's a start! Please feel free to edit the files and, if you want, upload it to Jkhub. This is a reskin of Hirman's Darth Plagueis and it's for Jedi Academy and KotF ONLY. Thanks!
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