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  • Pronouns
  • Location
    United States
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Hello all! I am wanting to extend this ongoing invitation to all who wish to show up. We host The Dojo on the NGN server every Friday and Saturday, where we train in everything from basic saber combatives, aerial assault and defense, Force combatives and sometimes even acrobatics. This training is invaluable to my members, and I feel the community may find it the same. Scheduling can be found here: https://thengnclan.com/the-dojo/ and all announcements will be here: https://thengnclan.com/forum/index.php?board=39.0 any questions can be directed to my Discord here: NinjaGenius#2355. I hope to see you there! I feel through training together, we can grow together. NGN is devoted to training new students of JKA in sabering and Force powers. Our clan's focus for new recruits is training specifically, as well as the creation of a family/community for those that may not have it in real life. We wish to give back to the community that has given us so much over the years!
  2. Hello all, I am NinjaGenius, co-founder and co-leader of NGN (New Generation Ninja) and along with my co-leader SecretAgent and the High Council, I am here to introduce our re-birth. NGN is a Full Force clan that was started in 2004 and ran until mid 2009. We mix the two worlds of Ninja and Jedi and would like to think this brings a new edge to the gamer's experience. We are focused more toward the community and building a family of gamers from all over the world in the wonderful world of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, but we have been known to be a bit competitive. NGN offers a wide variety of experiences and an opportunity to rank up via trials, and even after a certain rank you can choose a specific path to walk. We have saber enthusiast known as Senshi, ambassadors known as Taishi, and Force users known as Zen. Each of these perspective paths also allow an in depth training regiment to reach Master in your chosen profession. Before a student can choose a path, they must first make it through our Academy and prove their worth by passing trials and earning the High Council's seal of approval. A brief history of the clan: New Generation Ninja was created by NinjaGenius and SecretAgent in hopes of bringing members of the JKA community from all walks of life, ages and experiences together. We hoped to provide a place for players to come free of abuse and harrassment, where they would be able to learn the skills needed to succeed in the JKA community. With the help of a strong group of High Councilors, the leaders built the clan over the years to an above-average status and earned members that would remain faithful over 13-14 years. Above all, the clan became a place that any of the members could call HOME. NGN eventually split into two factions between the Light and Dark sides of the force of NGN and NGNF (New Generation Ninja Fallen). The clan remained split for a couple of years, until the leaders decided the best way to keep the community together was to merge the two factions back. In 2008 NGN and NGNF reunited under the name of New Generation Ninja and continued to grow. In 2009 life struck and pulled the leaders and the High Council away, and this led to the disbanding of the clan. In 2017 the leaders began to feel the draw back to the Force and the family that they had left behind so long ago, and the clan reunited on July 22, 2017. The current clan: Leaders: NinjaGenius and SecretAgent High Council: Supra, Noble, Kimura Members: Abizaga, Rey, Aurora, Sturg NGN has a 32 slot JA+ mod Server with Full Force enabled 24/7 with custom maps. Our clan website is www.ngnclan.tk and we are in the process of moving to a new site at www.ngnclan.com. We have a very active Discord, if you join you will receive an invite to that. Abizaga, Kimura and Sturg are map designers, modders and skinners who offer custom models/skins and saber hilts to members. Also included is the full training we offer to new members, or returning members of the community hoping to knock the rust off. Join our server at IP: and ask any member how to join!
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