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Everything posted by Napz

  1. Starting Map without the Lightsaber OR Replacing the lightsaber with the pistol Hi, This is my 1st post in the JK-hub forums and I'm a novice when it comes to editing jka so please bear with me! I am a self tort and have been making maps for the quake 3 engine for a good couple of years but have no experience with scripts at all... but I guess you have to start sometime right... I am attempting to make a SP mod / map where you are just a normal human with no force ability's at all. I have been trying to remove the saber from the game and replace it with the pistol. Or start the level without the Lightsaber altogether! Something a bit like the dark forces mod or when you have to escape from the prison in the E2_rdred mission in JKA. (Think that's what you call the map). Can somebody please help me as I don't have a clue what to do and everything that I have tried has failed... Also if it is possible and you are able to help me with my lightsaber / pistol replacement problem would you be able to explain how I would go about editing the right property's of the game and trigger such a change in a simplistic way as I have no experience outside of mapping and texturing!!!... The lightsaber to pistol switch can be a script as long as someone can help explain how to use it, or a mod or even a map event?... ( Any thing! ) OR Do any of you no of any tutorials or scripts where I can start the level without the saber that would do me for now!! Thanks alot! Please Help me!!!
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