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    Scripting,Painting,Skinning,Editing and Playing :D!
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    General Modding
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  1. Yes, this game is still active and under Development the Community has grown and good news is that it will be compeletly free! You can check the studio @ http://community.frontwirestudios.com/ and the game information on http://galaxyinturmoil.frontwirestudios.com/ There is also a Discord Server which is linked on the steampage http://steamcommunity.com/groups/frontwirestudios.
  2. Hi, I wanted to report a bug/glitch or whatever. Also: If you type in the console /Give weapon_* (ex. weapon_blaster). The server wll crash instantly. I don't know if it's the same with items item_cloak or etc. But is this possible to fix?
  3. Maybe the game doesnt support Widescreen also JKA
  4. Okay, Thanks. Btw Make this SOLVED
  5. I'll help you out with the JKA prob. Do you play JKA with any No-CD Fix? Is it from Steam or CD? #Edit+ http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=206018 Here is a fix for ATI Radeon videocards how it works. It has something to do with the opengl32.dll Try it out if it works Reply
  6. Oh, I played a year ago Wow on a Laptop it had at Left and Right a black Border & yeah it was the Monitor/Screen that was so little to accept that Resolution . Do you know your Laptop Model?
  7. How big is your monitor? 4:3? 16:9? 5:3? If you have a 16:9 (1900 x ...) monitor its normal that you see Right and Left a Black border at 4:3 (800 x 400) +Can you pls post you're Computer Information
  8. Absolutely!
  9. Hallo, ich bin Wolf . Und was geht so ??? Just a little joke. Whats up, meh is wolf =).
  10. Hi, Onysfx. So now. You're playing on a resolution of 800 x 600 but even if you set the Resolution Higher you see a Black Border around it or? I will make a example Photo of it. http://imageshack.us/a/img87/8693/fixdb.jpg (JKA) just for test if it looks like this. Made a link cuz its high Resolution. Reply pls
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