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DukeNukem 2417

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  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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  1. Thanks. I asked about the JediMoves ones because their models for the aforementioned characters had botfiles, sounds and etc.; some of the models of those same characters on here don't.
  2. Tried to DL several models from JediMoves, and they redirect to The Escapist. I get why they wouldn't redirect to Filefront, but still...... Does anyone have the Saesee Tinn, Ploo Koon, Kit Fisto, Ki Adi Mundi and Palpatine they had hosted there? Y'know what---does anyone have ANY of the files from JediMoves archived?
  3. No (though it looks pretty awesome); the school map from PCgamemods looked more like a conventional (pardon the phrase) Earth-based location. I tried finding it using archive.org, but got nothing......
  4. Sincere apologies for the necrobump, but I have a few requests/inquiries regarding files from pcgamemods that I saw, but never downloaded, when it was still active. There was a map there that was simply titled "School"---possibly v3.0, if I remember correctly. Back then, my internet connection sucked, so I wasn't able to snag it---nor was I able to snag a Haunted House map also available from that site. Does anyone here have either of these maps? Again, sorry for the bump; I've been looking for these two maps for quite a while with no results.....
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