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    Dancing, going out drinking and clubbing, and gaming >:)

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  1. just needed to get that rant out, it's been bugging me since reading your post earlier
  2. I can always take the free server off you and give it to someone who wants one you said you want control of the server - Caelum has almost as much control as me, apart from he can't delete me or create new servers, I can. I also pay for the Legend servers. even when I lost internet, it was paid for every month - I have no intention of giving you a server then grabbing it back off you. I am just trying to help you Mug... If the server goes down, Caelum has as much access as I do to start it back up, I have had no problems with the host - and to be fair which host is actually reliable? - Fallen clan bought a server the other week and without notice the company went bust! Caelum has the ability to create users and roles and specify who can access what part of the service, ftp. gameserver and such. I am sorry I can't give you anymore than that if you want to go and spend money so that you feel more comfortable by all means, go ahead. I just wanted to try and help Caelum out since he's always helped me.
  3. lol the free server no doubt won't horribly fail thanks for the support and confidence you are aware i can see this post mug?!
  4. KatZ

    *Waves* Hiyaaa

    Hey Thank you for the welcome guys >
  5. KatZ

    *Waves* Hiyaaa

    Grrrr.... not a grandma! dont' start that, feels like I never went away !!!!
  6. Just wanted to say hiyaaa. bit of a blast from the past this, but known Caelum since he was in diapers and running around with .:StormRiders:. clan xD which funny enough was only a couple of years ago, awwh how quickly they grow up. also Hiyaaa to anyone else who remembers me, or was in the .:StormRiders:. clan (which i miss)!! Rachyy x
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