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  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
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  1. does this just disable the lightning then? and how do i enter that in? is it just in the chat in game?
  2. Alright. I have another question then, it's sort of related to the bots behavior but I don't want to make a new thread for it. Is there a way to disable only certain force powers instead of just turning them all off? Because I want jump and all that good stuff, but the bots spam stuff like lightning incessantly, especially when there's a big group of them, someone's always using it... I play offline solo games and I just want to fix this for that.
  3. Sorry if this was the wrong section, and hi, I'm new here. Anyways, the AI constantly jump in multiplayer and it drives me absolutely crazy. Is there a way to fix this somehow, so they're not constantly in the air over 99% of my attacks? I hate having to try and jump and spin around swinging at a randomly moving target in the air over and over and over again. Also, this is in JKA.
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