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    San Francisco, CA
  • Modding Interests
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    OS X

isair's Achievements

  1. Version 0.2.0


    A cross-platform, portable, open source rcon GUI tool built for Jedi Academy using JDK 9. You can find the source code and contribute on its GitHub page. This is an application for sending rcon commands to Jedi Academy servers without going in game. Added servers will be synced using OneDrive for Windows. For other operating systems there is no automatic syncing capability but your data will persist between sessions. It is a Java application and will work on Windows, OS X, and Linux. It is portable and requires no installation. Developed and tested using Java 9. You can download the latest JRE here if you have a lower version or none installed. If you have Java set up correctly, double clicking on the .jar file will launch the application.
  2. Updated servers to 1.4 and added a new server focused only on fun maps. The transition to using OpenJK instead of using jampded will be done soon as well, which means way better servers.
  3. Most official and community maps are available for voting using RTV. The message of the day of all servers include instructions on how to use RTV. Other features: - Anti-cheat and flood protection enabled. - Unpure clients (modified pk3 files) are welcome. - Automatic team balancing is turned on for all servers other than the duel server. Also on these servers, spectators can't talk to players and can only spectate members from their own team. - Fine-tuned anti-TK settings. People can't ruin the fun for you. - All servers reset to popular default maps when all players leave. - Maximum dismemberment. Client settings must match though, so make sure you type seta cg_dismember 100 in the game console. - Servers are dockerized and restart themselves automatically upon any type of failure. Vote Your Fun Map [FA|RTV] Vote Your Map [FA|RTV] Vote Your Map [Open|RTV] Vote Your Map [Duel|RTV] (Closed until I find good admins) MBII Version: 1.4.0 Source: github.com/isair/jedi-academy-server For Administrator Volunteers The only requirement is to be a mature and nice person. Let me know if you're interested. Technical Musings Currently I'm deploying all services to a node in San Francisco. May change in the future. Will transition to using OpenJK at some point. You can track the issue for it here. The purpose of the project is to provide the JA community the means to set up scalable and solid servers, easily and quickly.
  4. Try installing sdl2 via homebrew. Worked perfectly for me.
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