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Everything posted by mihail95

  1. So hello guys! First of all I want to apologize if this thread is in the wrong section of the forum (I think it's closest to this, but still). So, my name is Mihail and recently I started speedrunning Jedi Academy Any%. I've always found programming very interesting and when I start doing something like speedrunning a game, its very important for me to know how the game works. I decided to look through the code of the game to see how some NPCs behave, how certain objectives are triggered and just to gather basic information on how stuff work. I've ran into a problem, though, since I haven't done something similar yet. I guess it's not that easy to look into the games code. I found the files that I'm looking for in the games directory, but they're all *.ibi files. A quick google search told me those are some special script files used in maybe 2 games overall. I guessed I needed to decompile those files, to make them readable, but I couldn't find any information on how to do that. So my question is probably very noobie and stupid, but yeah, I don't really know where to look. How can I open those scripts in a readable form? I won't be changing anything, since we need to run a non-modded version of the game in order for our runs to be valid. So, yeah, that is my question. Again, I apologize if I'm at the wrong place to ask that question. I'd appreciate every possible piece of information! Thank you very much in advance!
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