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Everything posted by Specter153

  1. what about animations for softimage and you cant modify the source code so these file types are compatable can you?
  2. Is there a good tutorial on here for this?
  3. Update: it looks like i did manage to port it over to a glm file but when i did i got a "No weight or bones pallet defined, weighting mesh to root" did I do something wrong?
  4. Wont import those kind of files unless you know where to find the plugins
  5. yea havent found any and i tried porting them in quark but i kept getting error messages Also, the thing is that the model is in multiple files (Example: model.ska, model.skb, model.tik, model.tan, model.ftx) and unless i am wrong, i would have to port all of these into one .glm file and i have no idea on how to do that
  6. blender cannot open those tried it, got anyother ideas?
  7. I was wondering if it would be at all possible to convert any of the following formats to .glm format: .ska .skb .tik .tan .ftx and if so how?
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