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Everything posted by anxietymuppet

  1. hi @@Xycaleth, i mentioned above that i tried 2 builds from 2015 and 2014 (around Dec.), and they still had the same issue. however, here's where it gets interesting; so i thought before replying to your post i'd quickly try renaming my .pk3s again to load in reverse order in the 2014 build, but this time it worked. huh. so i reinstalled the latest OpenJK from 2016 and tried it again and it still worked. apparently if i rename a .pk3 that overwrites files with any letter not starting with z, the game won't allow it to overwrite files? so for example, i previously renamed zzzz_red_bowcaster to b_red_bowcaster in order to override zzz_customeffects, which didn't work. this time i renamed it to z_red_bowcaster, which did work. i know the game is still loading .pk3s not starting with z, because i recently downloaded CamSP.pk3 and tried it in OpenJK, and it loaded fine. so um, problem solved? lol
  2. well i guess i can provide the files i gave as an example ... http://www.mediafire.com/download/9gwu40021dbbrbw/zzzz_CustomEffects.pk3 http://www.mediafire.com/download/l2m7bizq6wqcbzp/zzzzzz_red_bowcaster.pk3 it's a crappy mashup of plagarized stuff, but i'm not publishing it anyway. i was screwing around in SP btw, not sure how MP is. i thought i'd also try a couple older versions from 2015 and 2014, and they still have the same problem.
  3. whoops sorry, I meant .pk3, not .pak. And I only have this problem in OpenJK, base game works fine.
  4. hey all, i tried the newest OpenJK build for windows, and I have several .paks in my base folder that alphabetically override parts of other .paks (e.g. zzzz_redbowcaster overriding the bowcaster's green shots in zzz_customeffects), however they don't seem to override in OpenJK. So for the previous example, instead of getting red bowcaster shots I get green one's instead, while the rest of the effects are still the same from zzz_customeffects. why is this happening? i thought maybe the load order in OpenJK was reversed, but renaming the .pak files doesn't do anything. Neither does moving the .paks to the Documents base folder that OpenJK creates.
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