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  1. I know it's really late, but ironically I ran in to the same problem and found my own topic in a google search
  2. Is there a way then to get it so that I don't have to enter /japp_AllowHook at the start of every match? There are a few .cfg files and a clapp japp file (or something similarly named), I'm not sure which to mess around with
  3. Is there a way to bind the jetpack to a specific button, like with the hook?
  4. Glorious, downloading the server binaries solved the issue. You are a gentleman(or woman) and a scholar! Out of curiosity, what are the commands for the jetpack, which I heard exists but have never seen. Also, I feel like there should be a server cfg file. If there isn't, where would I create one and what would I need to put in it
  5. /aminfo doesn't do anything in Solo game, but /japp_version does in the menu. Weird though because when loading solo game, it will say JA++ in the info while it's loading
  6. Still nothing.
  7. No, I'm running the MP executable trying to use the feature in a solo game vs bots and I am positive I have the lastest version of JA++ working now, so that isn't the issue. Do I need to set up the cvars in a separate file or something?
  8. I don't really know how to do that and all of the hints I can find on it are super vague. tbh I'm not even sure if I'm running JA++ or just openJK. Assume I know next to nothing about setting up a .bat file. I did manage to set launch parameters through Steam and it seems to have changed how the game looks so I think I did manage to get JA++ going. Does the hook not work on custom maps?
  9. I just want to use the Grapple Hook in Solo Game, but I can't. I have no idea how and it's incredibly difficult to find any help whatsoever in regards to this game or JA++. I can use the hook on servers that host JA+ or ++ fine, but I can't use it in Solo Game. What am I doing wrong here? I am launching through openjk.x86. I have no idea how to set up cvars or what that even really means.
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