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  1. No, the loading bar screen is finished in a matter of 4 seconds max. It's just the screen before this one that takes so long. But I have no shaders, mods etc. installed. Just the plain game.
  2. It is. No I haven't. The only thing I did was change the resolution to a custom one by creating an autoexec in ..\Gamedata\base with the code seta r_mode -1 seta r_customaspect 1 seta r_customwidth 1280 seta r_customheight 720 Apart from that, it's completely vanilla. I could try delete and reinstall the game though.
  3. Hello there, I've recently bought Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy via Steam, because I used to play it hours and days a long time ago. Now, it works just fine with the occasional bug, but nothing that I can't handle. Except one thing: Whenever there's a loading screen (on startup, on quickloading, on loading a checkpoint, between missions, before and after cutscenes, basically everything), it takes up to 30 seconds and more to load! It is whenever the image with the Zabrak Girl and the purple double-bladed lightsaber shows up. Is that in any way normal? Is there a reason for that, or even better: a quick fix? I tried different video settings to see if something's wrong but it didn't change anything. I mean, I love the game, the nostalgia is strong with this one, and I will play it no matter what. But if there was a way to get around these enormous loading times, I would enjoy it much more. My computer specs shouldn't be an issue. I'm playing Rainbow Six Siege, GTA Online, Star Citizen right now on medium to high quality settings. I can give you the specs, if you need em. Help would be much appreciated! Vega
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