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Everything posted by Saimon

  1. Мне нужен тот, кто сможет сделать / исправить кое-какие модели . Написано как
  2. I do not understand the question , what file ?
  3. Hello, friends. I went to this forum I did not accidentally, the fact that I have a problem. Long ago, I planned to make a film based on the graphic Jedi Academy, it has already been implemented quite successfully, and many have already seen. This project has given me a lot of files - maps, skins, and so on. Thank you very much for that. Now what about the request - I need people who could otmodelirovat some character models. namely taskentov, Java, people need all this for my creations. So if you are a fashion designer and you have free time, then you are welcome to our hut) It is very important for me, believe me. Please unsubscribe here in the comments Thank you for attention
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