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    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    Windows 8.1 64-bit

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  1. Eh? I'm chill. I guess I might seem easily annoyed though, understandable because I came from a community filled with the most stupidest kids beyond your imagination, as a result from the years of exposure to stupidity I automatically react as if in response to them... It was an experience that left me to question life itself... Many calm people I knew literally went insane from exposure to such stupidity... To make it worse they were all Naruto weeboos, who tried acting edgy and rp'd all the time... They even called every in-game attack "Sharingan" something... They also thought they were "l33t uber haxers that can alter main frames" and that they could "explode" my computer any time, yeah... And even though I left that community they still spam my inbox with dumb questions now and then... Anyway, I've gone too offtopic.
  2. Obviously... Not sure if you're trying to make a joke here or something? The tags etc work still in md3, it just doesn't work in-game of course... Which is why you simply convert the md3 to glm using gmax and md3view... weapons2/saber/saber_w.md3 for example is a base for you to line up with your own saber correctly... I'm simply asking for a staff version of that so I know the position of the staff, as well as the tag positions... I've done over 10 something normal sabers flawlessly by now so I think I know what I'm talking about...
  3. Could someone send me a base staff md3 with the tags? I simply can't figure out the positioning/tags of the staff.
  4. I was thinking up possible things that could've caused this when I came to the conclusion that the directory was corrupt, after simply renaming the folder it now works. Problem resolved.
  5. Everytime I load a second map an error occurs which kicks me to the menu screen: Loading dll file ui. Loading dll file cgame. Failed to load dll, looking for qvm. Loading vm file vm/cgame.qvm. Failed. ******************* ERROR: VM_Create on cgame failed ******************** Loading dll file ui. DROPPED As you can see, for some reason it's attempting to load .qvm files which it shouldn't be doing as they're discontinued for this game. Things I've tried: 1. Running as admin. 2. Running the original compatibility for JKA + Admin. 3. Clean game with no mods etc whatsoever. 4. It's not ram. I've never had this problem before yesterday. I had an idea to fix the game, by making it load an empty folder as a mod, while it seemed to fix it, I haven't fully tested it and would like to know the cause behind this error.
  6. >mrwonko I tried Ja++ around a week ago. >Xycaleth Hm, couldn't find anything.
  7. 1. I tried that, it was quite buggy and didn't exactly have all of Ja+'s features if I recall. 2. Not exactly, there's a fair bit of changes. The game the desert map comes from doesn't really have changes script/shader wise, the game really just has additions rather than changes, Quake 3 maps will work perfectly flawless with the game the map came from, no issue whatsoever. When I use Quake 3 maps with JKA however, there is always shader problems. JKA also seems to treat water in all Ioquake3 related maps as a hollow object, quite annoying considering the only way to fix it is to uncompile the bsp ruining the quality, If only the the water's line appeared uncomplied like the textures and spawns etc in a bsp, so I could just make an equal value change, sadly the line for the water is scattered throughout. 9. I think those should just be reset to default, I don't see much use in them anyway, they're basically just an edited staff type with one blade = less defence, less chance of hitting etc. I suppose it could just be made to make the default staff appear with one blade? I see multipile ways around it.
  8. 1. I know lol, I've done some basic code work myself with Ioquake3 games, I know how it all works. I just wanted to know if Ja unlimited was ever added to Ja+ (Translation: If the creator of Ja+ ever made a version that allows unlimited models/sabers/maps etc). I didn't put coder on my profile because I quit a long time ago, now and then I tinker with some things but that's about it, I mainly wanted the JKA source code out of curiosty for a few things. 2. That map is from another Ioquake game, doesn't supprise me that the lines don't work, I guess I'll just have to learn the JKA variant. As for the difference between the images, looks pretty different to me, the 2nd link looks much higher in quality, the first one looks blocky in comparsion, it'd be easier to notice if you flipped through the tabs back and forth. 9. Yeah, I was including that in mind, should be fine if it uses the default length alone.
  9. >Xycaleth Thanks. 2. http://s1.postimg.org/5j9n101pr/shot0200.jpg after making it 1024 it helped a little: http://s2.postimg.org/nl98ie4hl/shot0206.jpg the orginal looked crystal clear, however it shouldn't even use that skybox, it doesn't use the separate clouds either, it should use the main skybox which is this: http://s2.postimg.org/u853320xl/shot0000.png but I'd say this has to do with script/shader lines compatiability, purpleSky { surfaceparm sky surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap nopicmip nomipmaps { map maps/desert/purpleSky.png } } Most likely the above script/shader lines simply don't work with JKA, however it doesn't excuse the default skybox being low res. 8. It's a bit more than just that, you cannot use any force powers and you are easier to hit when stuck in this, the npc's however can still use force but they're still easier to hit. I'm also curious to what exactly triggers it in the first place. 9. I know, but what I'm saying is that rather than forcing the default model it should just force the default stats, I know the model is included in the stats but it could easyily ignore that line or work client side. >eezstreet Thanks.
  10. Sorry if this wasn't posted in the right place. 1. Does a mod exist which has both Ja+ and Ja Unlimited? 2. What's with the low res skybox problem? Some skyboxes always seem to go low res even if the textures are high res, unlike textures for other things. I'm usually always tinkering around with Ioquake3 related things, I've never seen this problem anywhere else. 3. Was the unedited JKA MP Source code ever released? If so where can I find it? 4. I knew the answer to this, however it has been a while since I was on JKA and I don't recall exactly what "forceRegenRate" does for NPC, some people say it sets force regens wait speed, e.g "0" = instant. I tried testing this for myself both ways by setting it to 0 and 999, but both ways the NPC could still use force, so I'm a bit confused there. 5. NPC question again, is Scale "100" the default? 6. NPC question yet again, which class/rank uses Drain the most? 7. What exactly does "hfov" etc do in NPC files? 8. Why does sometimes (Mainly for NPC) character animations freeze and spaze out in a static fashion? 9. Why is it that hilt models reset to the default hilt on servers that do not have your hilt? Rather than just using the defaults stats alone? Is there a way to disable this?
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