Hello everyone from JKHub ! This is Lightning, member of the EK clan, and I decided to come here and introduce myself at the exact moment I read Caelum's announcement on the EK forum's about JKHub. Soooo...you can call me Lightning, or just call me my real name, Rodrik ( Rodrigo in Portuguese ). I'm from Brazil, 18 years old. I've been playing JA for 5 years total, with huge breaks though. I'm currently focusing on JA+, since it's one of the most popular on JA, and 'cause it's the current mod that EK uses, but I also love to play on base . I was surprised by the enormous quantity of resources that JKHub has to offer, and I'm also pretty happy about how many people are working on this, about the mods...everything ! So, that's all I got to say for now. I hope this is pretty damn awesome as it looks, and I'm sure it is . Thanks for reading .