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  1. Issue is fixed with the new build. Thanks a lot! Unfortunately however, the Hoth/Vjun cutscenes remain broken. I know it's a different problem, but it remains annoying.
  2. Awesome! So it's gonna be in the next build? I am in the last level now and it crashes already in the beginning. My allies engage the Sith and then it's back to desktop, I have no control over it at all. xD Anyway, will check as soon as the fixed build is available and provide feedback ASAP. Thanks in advance for this already! PS: I hope the fix will also work with existing savegames (made with the broken version). Or otherwise I will have to play everything from the beginning again...
  3. I am using no mods at all, it's just latest OpenJK build with all assets.pk3 files from JA.
  4. Excellent! So here you go, I created two savegames based on my autosaves. OpenJK savegames (75 KB, TinyUpload) Mirror jedi_00.sav You jump right into the Alora fight, directly after the cutscene. Just keep bashing her with the lightsaber and you should see a crash to desktop. Try getting to the Yavin cutscene afterwards anyway because it can be it doesn't work, either (as described above). jedi_01.sav In front of the entrance to Lannik Racto's palace. You basically enter the door in front of you, get attacked by the Force disciple (you don't even have to do anything) and it's the same story. To be on the safe side, I have also included my config file, but I don't believe it matters. Thanks a lot in advance for taking care of this! OpenJK rocks! *EDIT #1, Aug 4* Second half of Vjun mission is more or less unplayable due to this issue. As you all know, there are tons of Sith to fight there, and you can never tell which of them will crash your game if you decide to engage them. Many times I could only continue by running past all enemies, but it would end with the final fight against Rosh at the latest. His guardians cause guaranteed crashes if you attack them, regardless whether you use lightsaber throw, direct lightsaber attacks or whatever. Therefore, fixing this is really urgent since it's pretty close to a showstopper. *EDIT #2, Aug 4* It seems the Yavin cutscene after the Vjun fight with Rosh (btw, was only able to advance by killing the two guardians with conventional weapons - lightsaber attacks would lead to crashes) shows the same problem as the one after Hoth. Luke, Kyle and Jaden do nothing. No clue what's going on here.
  5. Just wanted to confirm this issue. It's also happening to me on a Win 8.1 system with the openjk-2015-07-27-3ab62479-windows build. Prominent crash occasions where these (among others) occur: 1) End of the Hoth level during the fight with Alora - game would crash to desktop any time I tried to engage her in direct lightsaber combat. In the end, I only managed to end the fight by using lightsaber throw all the time. Another problem after that was that the post-Hoth cutscene didn't trigger. Jaden, Luke and Kyle were just standing there and not saying or doing anything. xD At least I was able to skip that and go to the lightsaber fighting screen afterwards. 2) End of Ep.2 Level 4 (Capture crime lord/Coruscant) had a similar scene. Once you enter the building of the crime lord, there are two dark Jedi at the entrance. When fighting the one only using the Force, game crashed every single time. Only way to continue was to simply ignore those guys and run straight to the lift. Any idea when this can be fixed? Fights against lightsaber guys are the highlight of this game, as you know, and if that doesn't work properly, it sucks quite hard.
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