Hey Community, I decided to go through some old boxes and I came across a box full of old PC games which I used to play as a kid. I'm now 26 and have kids of my own. I then stumbled upon Jedi Academy. I was astonished to see people still playing this magnificent game and decided to get a few games out and install. So I wanted to ask people (Sorry if there is a thread already) how do I play? After Install what patches do I need? Is Multiplayer still active / what do I need to get online.? What mods are being used on the main popular servers?Once again I'm pleased to hopefully start playing this amazing game again. I've also just started playing Battlefront 2 on "Gameranger" which is just as good. Personally they don't make games liek the used to. Like the old Strategy games old Age of empires, BF1942 the old Half life & mods. Anyway any help would be appreciated. Cheers everyone.