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Everything posted by LazyAmerican

  1. That did the trick! Now I'm wondering...is it possible to get the RGB saber customization/hilt customization present when you first start in this menu as well?
  2. Sure did...same result. Where do I place the zzzz's?? Does it matter where within the name? Ingame_Char_Saber_Menu_v2©zzzz.pk3? If that's fine...then it still keeps telling me it cannot find a ingamecharacter menu. Don't know if it matters that I'm playing JA off Steam.
  3. Not sure if that was a serious reply...but alas I tried that as well lol. I have MD2 installed...but it has it's own installation directory so I figure that shouldn't bother anything.
  4. Is there anyway to get these two to work together? It keeps telling me that the ingamecharacter menu cannot be found when I bind it to a hotkey.
  5. I've noticed it seems to lack the spark effect upon sabers clashing whether it be in the click really fast instances or in general when strikes are parried.....is there a setting I can alter within the mod to get those back?
  6. Been trying to figure out how to bind all the force powers and saber levels to one key in a console command....but how do I transfer what I'm writing in a random notepad to the game beyond control+v? Doing that only gives me some of the line...and the JA wiki mentions having to put in a wait<miliseconds> line between each command. How would I go about writing this? Yes this is a must because using setforceall breaks saber styles so I have to either manually input all the powers I want every time or learn how to do this.
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