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  1. OpenJK version is the one dated 2015-04-13, all software components are OpenJK and the rest are just extra pk3s I brought over. My problems, possible bugs with OpenJK itself: Audio Stuttering (Buffering issues?) - OpenJK (MP) hates alt-tabbing out despite running in windowed mode by default. The audio stops playing, aside from very short stutters until I go in to the sound menu in-game and force reinitialize the audio engine by flicking EAX mode's setting. The original client never has this issue, and I have otherwise changed nothing that would cause this issue other than running the game under OpenJK and alt-tabbing. As well, the rest of the game has no play issues while this issue is going on. For the time being, is there a console command or a bind I can use to restart the game's audio? As far as this goes, I'm running RealTek High Definition Audio, and these issues don't happen in the original JA client for me. Consistent Game Crash with <KR> skin pack(?) with JA+ loaded - The Universal Skin Pack from the clan Knights Reborn seems to cause a consistent crash under OpenJK with the regular JA+ (2.4 beta7 client) when it begins to load icons from that pack. I know that JA++ exists and I should be using that instead, but the download links for everything required are down. I figured that this was worth reporting anyway, just in case people don't recognize that JA++ exists, and perhaps the same crash happens there. (Not Responding) - While connecting to a server, OpenJK trips Windows Vista's generic behavior for an application not responding. This isn't that much of an issue, as the game will run as normal and return to being a working window after it has fully loaded all of the required assets. This isn't something that severe since it doesn't actually crash, though. Just a little nitpicking!
  2. KitsuFox


    Hey, there. I'm KitsuFox. I used to hang out and make inane requests and not actually do anything on the Filefront forums way back. The most I've done related to modding this game are a few personal skins that I won't release due to lack of permission, or due to having texture assets taken from other games. I tried to learn modeling, and there's always some part of me that gets hopeful every time I start to try, but then I fire up Blender and my brain just dies trying. The most I've done directly modding for real is a personal iteration of the Jedi Outcast HUD (slightly different from the one on JKHub already) which I've plugged into my own JA+. I haven't wanted to release it because A) Ported content, even if I went to hell and back trying to piece it together, B) I only have the Jedi Outcast demo and I'd want to complete it by having that other visual effect effect the HUD has emulated. Aside from that, I'm also the one who was responsible for getting permission for someone else to have this Renamon model brought to Jedi Academy, and I did the bot and NPC files. As well, I recorded the sounds for this Z-Saber model. Not a giant history, but still. I'll be... Around, maybe!
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