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Everything posted by IronRat

  1. ClanFJA, I dont know You, and You dont know me. I was write, is my english isnt good, so maybe i had trouble to find answer on forum. But it not mean i dint try. Secend, are You shout on every ppl? I was asked about help, if it borring for You then why You read it? o.O I not must know everything. Im specialist at photovoltaic, heat pumps and solar collectors. Im owne of own bussines and have 25 employees. In some post You write "instal OJP, it will secure Your server" . Now You write if You instal OJP You must play in OJP mod...then idk what You mean... I was aksed about help. If You cant help...then pls stop trolling Anyway...sry, dint read Your 2nd post. You see, I dont know how set server, I was pay for it and put there server.cfg from esl. All was untill some rage kiddos dint start attack it. So, I strted seeking solution for it. Cos, that company who hosting server dont have JASS and dont wana instal it I must use OJP 1.2 I dont wanna learn all things like codding, etc. Just wana make some fun in game after work. You see, whan I was instaled OJP, it changing all server sets, with rotate maps too. And idk how change it. Just tell me, what i can do to make it good. You know, Im 45yrs old guy, Im still in Amiga's and Commodore times and more complicated things like Iphons or server are too much for me And my bad english isnt to hlpfull in it Razor, its mean I should start server as OJP Basic, yes? If yes, then how i can do it? Best Regards IronRat
  2. Hello, I trying instal OJP mod on my server. But i dont wanna modification in game just make more safe server before attack lich switch files asset3.pk3. So, my provider have only OJP 1.2 (he promises, he will update it) Anyway, whan mod was instaled and server restarted all game set was changed. Its normal, i know. So, i try use server.cfg from base. Server run after restart and i can join to server but can join to any team. Its looking like i was in some team and cant switch teams in that moment. Then i was try other thing. I was changed server.cfg generated buy OJP (some sets) on same like in base and deleted all vstr maps and put ther vstr maps from base. After that server not run after restart :D:D Then i was back to orginal OJP server.cfg and server started...but I can join cos "unpure files detected" No matter is sv_pure set on 0 or 1. So, I was uninstal OJP and backing to pure base Maybe You guys can tell me how i need configure server (mean server.cfg) to get same or very similar game like on pure base but with OJP (to making server more safe)? btw, forgive me my english...its more ironglish but i hope u guys understand what I mean :D:D If You want, i can upload both cfg's IR
  3. Thx guys for fast reaply. I should say first, my english isnt high but about codding, moddifing or other thats staff i dont know allmost nothing and tbh didnt wanna learn it My skills stoped in 80's with commodore 64 and Amiga 500 So, bucking to bussines Caelum Yesterday in night i was read ur infos about ur hostings. Its rly impresive and nice but making few troubles for me. First is price U offer 32 slots for 16 euros per week, i have public 12 slots/year = 44 euros. That game is only for fun. I dont wanna pay more for server:) And I know, attack will be at time to time. Well, cheep isnt same safe like that best Ur minimum server have 32 slots and i no need more than 12. In matches playing 3 vs 3 sometimes 4 vs 4 and others still need wait in spectacors. So 32 players on server in that game type mean long time to wait Im prety sure pings on ur server r good. Proably similar like on mine (48-50 for me) or better. Im in Warsaw, server located near Paris. About my server. I just buy space on server (right)? Its hosted by polish game hosting called pukawka.pl. Why? Cos its in my national language and cheep Can add many files to server, restart, reinstal and do many administrating thing but cant (for now) add all modification. For example. Theres is only openJK v 1.2. When I inform them about it, they will update in 2 weeks. But JASS or OJP isnt alvalible FJA Your explanations ur understandable even for me with my low language skill and modelling / codding Very helpfully Is i should wait with instal openJK to update version or instal that one v1.2? If if my hosting will agree to add JASS better is instaling JASS or openJK? About ddos. I saw ddosed servers with openJK and with JASS same. Ddos isnt that big trouble cos server restarting in 2-3 sec (maybe a little longer) More what im scare is switching file assets1.pk3. I need onlu 4-5 minuts to reinstal server but is that fille cant be used to attack my own computer, instal some backdoor or something other "hack shit"? I lose 2 nights to understand what happend after two first attacks on that file. Is openJK fix that hole and hacker will cant switch that file? Interesting is, they must be on server in game to make ddos or broke that file. I saw them every time before start attack server. I saw them own or saw they nicks and tags in server automatic save logs. Unfortunable they use VPN and changing IP's so cant them baned permanently. But when I changed pw on server and they cant join, dint attack . No matter how many ppl playing IronRat
  4. Hello, I started server with jk3 (pure base server with fix at lukasarts 1,01. Anyway, allsgoing good untill Omni and TnG was not find it. Omni - ddos. So, i know is there no good defend without big monays, but when he do it i can restart server in 5sec. Will be nice to maybe add some script or something if server ddosing then automatic restart? If it possible. But bigger problem is TnG and leader TnG, Nove. Idk why she do it but he attacking my server. She changing file ASSETS1.pk3 (623MB) on file named same but only 2kb. After that when i try joining to server my game closeing or crushing. So i must reinstal whole server cos its faster than upload 1 file that big like assets1.pk3 (taking about 2-3mins) Some guy sayed to me is pure server rly dangerous. So, i decided to instal OJP or Jazz. But i wanna ask wich one is better. True is , in that firm were i was buy server have OJP 1.2 c(looks very old version) and they dont have Jazz. I pleased them to take new version OJP. But if u say me is Jazz much better then i will ask them about that modification for my server. Maybe i can do someting more to defend server between that TnG or Omni kids? Best Regards IronRat
  5. Hey guys, I need Your help and ur advices That reason why i decide sign up here:D Im 45yrs old fun of old parts SW:D Im very big fun other SF too, like Harry Harrison and his book Stainless Steel Rat (now u know from i get my nick;) Anyway, sometimes i have fun to play in jk3 with others ppl. So, i buy server and instal there jk3 pure base, u all r welcome:D IR
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