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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Thought I would take a stab at Din Djarin, what you are seeing is a before and after with a kitbash and texture upscale compared to the original GOH version
  2. https://mega.nz/file/7Zty2R4I#7JuK6e4ygPROtreWxgMUMjrbURxtVk2dBuHrFHuJXE8 Movie version of Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds sounds (language warning)
  3. Thought I would go back to the cybernetic Maul project I had going and update it, this one might be released soon.
  4. Decided to kitbash Mara Jade and tried to make her face look like the live action version played by Shannon McRandle https://mega.nz/file/3JkzhL5C#aI1igPC_ktPajsCtVzqjgx05zmuhiNRO4ayJWyEuJ7U
  5. Vicrul is now finished, I believe this is the first Knights of Ren model for JKA...you're welcome https://mega.nz/file/nNFAGIDB#QUc7fvT3ErCeYcTCtqnDVwvRdMxVabvY2AnbgtxkrEY
  6. Vicrul, aka the Knights of Ren model I am working on will soon be released...stay tuned.
  7. Decided to take a stab at the Knights of Ren again
  8. Thought I would take a stab at making the Dark Empire Luke https://mega.nz/file/WNMG0DJS#hb_cpzU-7OYa8wRqzbcznyUHXlElgb7zWGwmH02QRxQ
  9. For years I have waited for an accurate version of Darth Krayt in his armor to be brought into JKA, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and make it happen. I know this thread is old, but I figured I would bring it back to life for those who have been hoping one day this request would be fulfilled. This is still a work in progress, but once it's finished I will post the download link my thread. The Sith shall rule again.
  10. Thanks, I plan on bringing more DF2 content into JKA.
  11. Some more DF2 ports.
  12. He is like 90% done, just need to adjust a few things
  13. Decided to make a fun little retro project, I plan on bringing more of these characters into JKA
  14. Battle version and cape version
  15. After all this time and people asking what the progress was, I will be revealing Jerec that will finally be finished
  16. https://mega.nz/file/KE921Zyb#k0IIRXF4J3lQ2z2PY8j_NTlk3kgu_FHXzlSXva-MEgY
  17. I'm the crime lord now
  18. Hopefully sometime soon, I know I need to get back to finishing that one.
  19. https://mega.nz/file/KAE3HCDI#nG6YRRKi6cDDpQEINehZPG5uqIC7SZ2TT8LZr0v1fR4
  20. New stormtrooper project
  21. I put together the best of both worlds with this kitbash, I got the TFU body of Darth Maul and gave him the FA head which I thought gave it a more accurate movie look. https://mega.nz/file/7NkUFIRK#537zcs8Dry6j6uDsKie8AKWX4aoi0afn1-0C-uX58pM
  22. I know we all have our preferences...so I'm sorry to hear my work of art didn't do justice for you, but instead of slandering my work maybe you should try downloading the model and check it out in game and then you will see for yourself the details that make it pop. A wise man once said "don't judge a book by its cover" but I appreciate your feedback.
  23. This was on the back burner for a while, finally got around to finishing it. https://mega.nz/file/LMEVyAqD#V-7FDaurxL9NwMtNm2V1LQS4EbRBNfBcKoR6bwbeGvg (updated)
  24. https://mega.nz/file/rFFSlBya#A14hsX15xj81NkXzY0NCue9AWFH2F5-PkBBdZ9kSel8
  25. I thought it was time for an update, almost done!
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