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    Competitive Play

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  1. Woe

    Get in the Zone!

    That's true I forgot to mention that, thank you for pointing it out, and I'm glad you support the idea, shows that some people want to see JKA's competitive side rise a bit.
  2. Hello JKA people! You might be wondering what Zone is. Well Zone is an American clan that was founded on making the average player more skilled. We have actual talented members who are for the most part above average and are capable of competing in TFFA. Our goal is to basically up the games current skill level.We notice the game has begun to favor non-skilled clans and servers, now while these clans are not bad clans, improvement shouldn't be something that's shunned. Some members of Zone that you might or might not be familiar with, like myself Snitzal, St@rty, Baatar, and Eis/Tiddly/Tenkyuu/Blurr(he has 30,000 names), are more then capable of teaching you the basic's and fundementals needed to become a great player. Are we only going to allow members willing to learn and compete? No, anyone is free to apply and join. At the moment we are only 8 people, but we hope to increase our numbers. You should definitely come by check us out and see if we're right for you . Come by hang out and see if Zone is right for you . We are mostly on in the afternoon or night time .(also I realize i posted it in the wrong topic first time) Server IP: Forum:www.zoneclan.freeforums.net
  3. Hello JKA people! You might be wondering what Zone is. Well Zone is an American clan that was founded on making the average player more skilled. We have actual talented members who are for the most part above average and are capable of competing in TFFA. Our goal is to basically up the games current skill level.We notice the game has begun to favor non-skilled clans and servers, now while these clans are not bad clans, improvement shouldn't be something that's shunned. Some members of Zone that you might or might not be familiar with, like myself Snitzal, St@rty, Baatar, and Eis/Tiddly/Tenkyuu/Blurr(he has 30,000 names), are more then capable of teaching you the basic's and fundementals needed to become a great player. Are we only going to allow members willing to learn and compete? No, anyone is free to apply and join. At the moment we are only 8 people, but we hope to increase our numbers. You should definitely come by check us out and see if we're right for you . Come by hang out and see if Zone is right for you . We are mostly on in the afternoon or night time(eastern standard).(also I realize i posted it in the wrong topic first time) Server IP: Forum:zoneclan.freeforums.net
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