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  • Pronouns
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  • Operating System
    Windows 7 64*

Ceifeiro's Achievements

  1. Hmm, I seem to be getting a CTD with an error message UI_UpdateSaberHilt: could not find item (saber) in menu (ingame saber)
  2. Any way I can get some help running JA++? I have openJK in my gamedata folder as well as a japlus folder that has CL_assests.pk3, CL_bins_win32.pk3, sh_animations.pk3, and sh_lua.pk3. It doesn't change anything in the game. IS there a proper way I'm supposed to boot it up or do I not have them in the right place?
  3. So I just bought the game from steam, noticed there were no multiplayer servers, and then found out that I basically have to install these two mods to play online, but I'm kinda lost on how to install either of them as there doesn't seem to be any kind of tutorial aside from a video in French to kind of help people through this process. So how does one go about downloading and installing these mods?
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