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Everything posted by barry0033

  1. Hi! I'm trying to make a map with two completely separate areas (Box B& box C), both of which have the same skybox, but one of them additionally displaying a _skybox backdrop (from a 128x128x128 small area, BOX A). Is it possible to setup a _skybox entity in a way that it only targets and displays things in the second area (BOX C) of my map? What I'm specifically trying to do is create a kind of seamless horizon, extending the 'ocean' view from any viewpoint in the second area of my map. Here's a (poorly drafted) layout of what I'm trying to do: If anyone has any tips or a better idea on how to make a horizon with water seem endless (seamless), I would greatly appreciate it! I've looked at the q3map2 code with a keyword '_skybox', and it seems it's impossible to make it affect only one skybox. Perhaps I could recompile the q3map2 code with a slightly modified _skybox functionality..
  2. Well, as it seems that I've hit a dead-end with this.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyhow, I've got another question regarding emplaced guns. I've managed to get the emplaced gun zoom and fire like a Tenloss rifle gun, shoot in zoomode=1 and zoommode=0, but can't get it to charge the same way a Tenloss Disruptor gun does. I've searched through bg_pmove.c, and edited g_weapon.c back and forth, but it just seems weapon charging is quite difficult for a 'mounted' weapon, as it handles weaponstates differently. I've edited bg_weapons.c (to make the emplaced gun use AMMO_POWERCELL as it's ammo, and use same values in other fields as well), g_weapon.c, where I changed the 'FireEmplaced' function with 'FireDisruptor' functions (both alt& main fire), and I changed this bit (in bg_pmove.c): pm->cmd.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN; //No switch for you! to pm->cmd.weapon = WP_DISRUPTOR; //No switch for you! now, how can I get it to charge like a Tenloss also? any tips/ help would be great!
  3. Hi, NOTE: this is for JK2 1.02 multiplayeranyone know how I could fix the player animation for when using the emplaced gun? As most ppl know, emplaced_guns don't visually work by default in jk2-mp. One "fix" for it is to edit the line in g_weapon.c to use imp_mine/turret_chair.glm instead of the mp/ one: void SP_emplaced_gun( gentity_t *ent ) { char name[] = "models/map_objects/imp_mine/turret_chair.glm"; //char name[] = "models/map_objects/mp/turret_chair.glm"; vec3_t down; trace_t tr;As far as I can tell, the animation is supposed to be BOTH_GUNSIT1 while using it (defined in bg_pmove.c): if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN && pm->ps->emplacedIndex) { pm->cmd.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN; //No switch for you! PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_GUNSIT1 ); }perhaps I should define it in bg_panimate.c, as it seems I can't get it to work by modifying serverside portion of the code alone. Point is, I would like it to look like this: instead of this: sometimes the head isn't bugged, but most of the time it is. I don't want a standing turret version. I do know the chair doesn't actually move without the .gla file (I'll make one if I get the sitting anim fixed). I just wanna fix it so that the player sits on the emplaced_gun.. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated! -barry 'hit'
  4. eh, just add it to Cmd_Follow_f too then the right function is actually this: // can't follow bots if ( isBot ) { return; }
  5. Ok, so if anyone is interested in knowing, just add (the lines marked in yellow) this to g_cmds.c: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ================= Cmd_FollowCycle_f ================= */ void Cmd_FollowCycle_f( gentity_t *ent, int dir ) { int clientnum; int original; qboolean isBot; ... // can't follow bots if (!isBot) { return; } // can't follow another spectator if ( level.clients[ clientnum ].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { continue; } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Hi! Does anyone know how I could disable spectating a bot? (such as that using cmds /follow <clientnumber> or /follownext wouldn't allow SPECTATOR FOLLOW on the bot; following humanplayers should then still remain functional though). If so, could they shed some light on this? I've searched a lot of open-source q3 mods and forums for this, but yet haven't found the answer.. Is it perhaps simply in g_active.c "SpectatorClientEndFrame" section? I'm asking this because I'm making a 'boss'-fight map, with the bot remaining in a 'hidden' area The Goal I want to achieve: make it impossible to spectate bots Thanks!!
  7. Okay, I'll give it a go. Thank you!
  8. Greetings everyone, this is my first post to JKHUB. I've got a peculiar problem: everytime I try to connect to any server in JK2 (1.02), it auto-connects me to this server: (Ancient <ivi>) and what's more, I keep getting non-stop 'Unwanted challenge response received. Ignored.' message in console after pressing 'Get New List' for servers. Nothing seems to fix this for me. Other jk2 players have reported this similar problem. I've tried reinstalling jk2 multiple times, and even tried googling for hours, but to to no avail. I'm quite sure it's because of the self-written mod '<ivi>' that the server administrator's have made. Would be nice to find a solution to this (and furthermore shut down their server or deny it from populating on public serverlisting). If anyone has any advice/ information on how to proceed, such help would be greatly appreciated.
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