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Everything posted by szarkab123

  1. it still doesn't work i cant get past the cmake phase but ty for help. Any more ideas?
  2. I was able to compile it on my previous computer. I try to run cmake like the guide says but i get an error. (Windows 10 64bit, VS2015) Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "G:/OpenJK_New/OpenJK-master/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". Log says: The system is: Windows - 10.0.14393 - AMD64 What can i do? Ty.
  3. thanks i could find it in cg_draw you really helped me out
  4. thanks i will look at it later
  5. i only need hud display to go above 999 but i cant find it in code. but thanks anyways
  6. Hi, I'd like to know where can i change the max hp of the player character in single player? And how can i make the client to show above 999 health? Because i managed to raise my hp to 9999 but its only showing 999 Thanks for helping me.
  7. thanks with release selection i can run the game
  8. im sry for being dumb but what do you mean on OpenJK mod? and i need to create a shortcut from the compiled exe? but thanks for your help
  9. PC_ParseExt: parseDataCount < 0 (be sure to call PC_StartParseSession!) can anyone help me how to fix it? it occurs on map loading
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