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Posts posted by Tomadox

  1. Sorry, a bit new to Ubuntu and compiling packages, so excuse me if I am completely wrong about anything.

    I know there is a tutorial, and I have followed it to the letter. I have the assets folder, with all the necessary files.

    My problem is, I simply cannot run openjk.x86_64. Through terminal nothing ahppens, and normal execution produces no result either.

    Is there supposed to be an i386 file? I saw that mentioned at the bottom of the page on compilation guide.


    On a side note, I can run the openjkded.x86_64 file THROUGH TERMINAL, but that is a server file as far as I know and is not what I want.


    Is there any more detailed documentation, or should I blindly keep trying?


    Thanks or any help you can provide.


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