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  1. Ahoy Everyone! I am turning to this community with a really big question. Back in the days (2004-2005) I was using a really special saber pack created by ScorpDK, a famous modeler, skinner in the ja modding community. Most of his work were available on pcgamemods.com (catched site: http://york-biewer.com/17068.html ) In the past days I've been trying to get this particular saber pack but no luck so far. It just completely disappeared from the internet. I was wondering if any one you remembers this pack or might even have a backup of it? It would be muchly appreciated! Thanks in advance! List of weapons in the pack: gauntlet_executor - Executor gauntlet_hk_left - HK gauntlet, left arm (use it for saber2) gauntlet_hk_right - HK-gauntlet, right arm gauntlet_death - Claws of Death gauntlet_warp_blade - Starcraft inspired Gauntlet, mimicking Dark Templar emerald_dream - Emerald Dream, Single Blade hk_sword - HK's Sword (obviously) dragon_blade - Dragon Blade (more obvious stuff) fusion_tracer - Fusion Tracer (can it get more obvious ) emerald_dream_dual - Emerald Dream, dual blade (staff) hk_scythe2 - Phantasy Star Online inspired Energy Scythe hk_scythe2b - same as above, but different blade effect staff_slayer - Slayer's Staff ScorpDK_Batleth - Klingon Batleth hk_sledge_hammer - The Sledgehammer (WOOT) gray - Revenge Saber gauntlet_shield - Shield Gauntlet bloodRayneSword - You name it bloodRayneSword_left - Left Hand (again, only for saber2) HALO_plasmasword - HALO syle Plasma Sword scorpDK_Hammer - Crystal Hammer scorpDK_AGWeapon - Jedi Gladiator (featuring American Gladiator ) ScorpDK_Mutilator - Mutilator Gauntlet (Blue) ScorpDK_Mutilator2 - Mutilator Gauntlet (Purple) HK - Destiny Leia - Doomgaze ScorpDK_PlasmaGauntlet - Like the WarpBlades, but a bit better ScorpDK_PSI-Blades - Starcraft's Zealot PSI Blades ScorpDK_SC_Carry - Sapphire Claw Carry ScorpDK_SC_Aya - Sapphire Claw Aya ScorpDK_SC_Jessy - Sapphire Claw Jessy (Crystal Sword) ScorpDK_SC_Lynn - Sapphire Claw Lynn ScorpDK_SC_ForceStaff - Sapphire Claw Force Staff (two bladed crystal staff) wow_sword1 - World of Warcraft style Sword wow_sword2 - World of Warcraft style Sword hk_sabergun - Powerblade (a bit like a FF Gunblade) hk_crystalsword - A Crystal Sword hk_crystalsword2 - Another Crystal Sword hk_scythe - A big Scythe hk_double_Scythe - Two-Sided Scythe hk_broadsword - A broadsword (yeah, right) hk_longswordv2 - A Longsword wow_longsword - World of Warcraft style Longsword vontron - Vontron Corp Saber milagro - MilAgro Corp Saber neuropa - Neuropa Corp Saber ruby-eye_corp - Ruby Eye Corp Saber orb - Magical Orb manderknight_1 - A Sith Saber manderknight_2 - Alternate Skin from the above manderknight_3 - Yet another skin for the above
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