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  1. Sorry for the super late reply. This was what I was looking for though. Thank you! <3
  2. It seems this knowledge is starting to get lost to time. I'd really like to preserve it. During my own study of duals, it seems like they're almost worthless against staff and other duals. (It's a block fest.) Aerials seem to be the only guard breaking option they have besides blue lunge and mostly worthless katas.
  3. Awesome. Thanks for the help. Right now, I'm focusing on saber strategies. Basically, how should one use the stances and moves for each of the sabers to their advantage as much as possible. Also, how best to evade and move in on an opponent. Now keep in mind, pretty much all the tips you see were actually given by one person who is, in fact, really rusty at this game now so they may not be the best tips at all. Ditto for the Engagement Rules. Basically, I asked someone in the clan to contribute and he give me a raw dump of all the basics he knew. Don't worry. I'll go through everything and make all the adjustments necessary. 1. Absolutely. I thought that practice went without saying so I didn't put it in. 2-8. Good points. But if we're going to overhaul most everything in the Saberology section, let's also make it somewhat complete in the process. We should go through everything for, say, the Single Saber first. We'll expand up that topic in a lot detail. Then, if you feel like contributing more, we'll go on to the next saber. 9. Fair enough. 10. That section is pretty much for things that don't fit in the other sections. As for the Rules of Engagement, I'll talk to Angel and see if he cares if I take it out and put something else in. (Most likely he won't give a crap.) As to the single saber staff glitch, it's definitely going to be kept but I'll put more details in though. 11. Yeah, it's admittedly kinda clan bait there. I won't sugarcoat it. I suppose I could take it out and make something much less obtrusive instead of a whole section. Maybe something at the end saying "We know more than we're telling." or whatever. We'll see.
  4. lol Yeah, April Fools of course. Take the Tome down? Take down a guide that I've put a CRAPLOAD of work into? That I'm sure already at least 30 people have already looked at, benefited from, and downloaded for themselves anyway? lolno And speaking of which, as an April Fools gift, v0.60 is here. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any information for the Saberology section but the RCON section is now VERY MUCH finished. There's also the usual editing here and there as well. Hope you all enjoy. Once again, any help is appreciated.
  5. Bump. I would like to let everyone know that starting tomorrow, I will be removing all instances of the Tome of Knowledge off of all sites that I have posted it on, including this one. I thought that it would be a great idea to spread information around but then I realized that, I mean, how could I have done something so stupid? But don't worry, I will save you all more hurt and will remove this idiocy immediately so we can all be better people and live better lives. Now when you play JKA, you will no longer have to be pained because of me.
  6. Looking at the OpenJK source on GitHub. Where exactly can you find the netcode? Specifically for sabers?
  7. Right, I'm out of ideas now. So, unless Raz0r has some, I think we're all screwed. I couldn't think of anything but I don't know, I just can't help but think also that we're missing something that could work. The answer must be out there somewhere.
  8. FFS, this is INCREDIBLY tricky. Hm... Well, there was one method in the talk that you might have forgotten. Shortening the times it takes for the saber to strike all on the host server when you're preparing to strike and striking. For example, The player would be doing a simple right strong swing. It would look to him like the swing is going at normal speed, but behind the scenes on the host server, the swing is being carried out about, oh, twice as fast as normal. Maybe more, maybe less depending on the swing and ping.
  9. OK then. Perhaps it would be best if I just gave you the link to the whole GDC talk. You can view it later at your leisure. If you find anything that you haven't already thought of, let me know. Actually let me know either way way so I know if this discussion is truly finished. Heck, if anything else, you may find it entertaining to watch, even if you don't get anything new out of it. I'm currently watching it now and find the whole talk very interesting. http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1014345/I-Shot-You-First-Networking
  10. Recently? I've been playing on the KR server a lot. One of the most frequented servers in JKA ATM. To this day, I haven't found any cheating. Remember, however, that I'm not talking about attacks on the server to bring it down or to screw it up. Seen plenty of those. Now, I KNOW this can be done and done adequately for all parties on a server. I've seen it work so well with Halo's multiplayer. I don't like to keep bringing a single game up over and over, but they really are a great example to look to. So, if they can do it, why can't we? The only reason I can think of is that the engine simply just can't allow it due to it being generally just too old. If this helps, there was a very long GDC talk given by a senior Bungie network engineer in 2011 after the release of Reach. I have the written 3-page summary of it by David Rosen saved to my computer. Here's an excerpt from it. Now, having said all that, is Halo's netcode perfect? lolno. I've seen some weird stuff happen. Nevertheless, in my ignorant opinion, it is far and away better than what we currently have. Yes though, saber combat is still different from gunplay so if we were going to use this guys' advice, we'd have to adapt it appropriately of course. If I'm being annoyingly persistent with this, it's only because I love the saber combat in this game so much and I die a little each time I see some BS lag kills. If there's any possibility of improving this, we should take it all the way.
  11. You're all absolutely right. One cannot predict future. So let's not and have the client computer decide whether or not the saber hits. Now I know what you're gonna say. It'll be very open to exploit. Well, yes it will. But then again, JKA in general is open to exploit as well. And besides, with this mod running, it would be rather easy to tell who is cheating. If someone keeps getting hits and from a distance, it's a dead giveaway. After you've established that, /amkick. And to be quite honest, I've never seen anyone cheat on JKA online at all anyway. Most of the bad eggs are focused on trolling and/or crashing servers, not winning duels in random FFA servers.
  12. UPDATE: Version 0.60 is coming. Major Features: - RCON section finished. - Single Saber section HEAVILY fleshed out. (Not sure if this will actually be yet, but until further notice, expect this to be done upon 0.60's release.)
  13. I've been thinking about this idea for a while. And after I've seen everything you guys have done with OpenJK and also JA+/++, my curiosity has now peaked. So what am I thinking about? Something very simple. A ZeroPing mod for sabers. Something that will unlag saber strikes. Now, from what I've observed, I believe that some of you are proficient in JKA's netcode. So can this can be done? I've seen it done over and over again with Unreal Tournament, UT2004, and Halo 3/Reach/4. But admittedly, saber combat is, I'm sure, definitely not like weapon combat, netcode wise. But I don't know. I'm far from an expert on this sort of thing. So you guys tell me. Can this be done?
  14. Not likely. Most servers these days run JA+ and I'm sure JA+ patched it up.
  15. Not officially but a lot of mods have patched it though.
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