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Everything posted by Reeves

  1. That's the server side I already have that activated. Just need all the other shit that goes with it, client side.
  2. Can you link me the download to the right one? I can upload to server, see if that works?
  3. is "Japlus 247" Default
  4. The only thing it's running is 2.4 b7 JA+ Is there another part I'm missing? A Cfg file? Sorry I'm new to all this.
  5. Like for example, When you press Esc and you go to Profile, you get to see all the new JA stuff, such as.. New moves, Saber colour and effects, When you go to Controls you get that little JA+ Button where you can choose which button will be your Grapple Hook, Jetpack, Fullforce duel, etc.. etc.. Also the new JA moves we don't seem to have working on our new server. We are struggling to figure out why. Maybe we're missing a Plugin or something? Thanks for the replies. :-)
  6. HELP!
  7. Hello, Me and a few friends have created a server to mess around on, through Mutliplayer.co.uk When we place JA plus 2.4 Build 7 and play on the server, it doesn't quite seem the same as other servers have theres. Like the new added moves, Saber colour change and style, gripple hook, full force duel, etc.. etc.. But you do get the commands such as, amlogin (password). It's been a while since we've played and was hoping for some help on this Topic. Thank you for your time. -Matthew.
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