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  1. I would first just like to point out that I have no experience of making forums or creating a server or anything like that. But, I have an idea that I would be willing to learn to do things like that to make happen. So I have just thought of an idea that I think would help the JKA community become more exciting and more active. It could possibly even bring up smaller clans to become more known which could bring up activity within the game a lot. I would like to create a league. Not just a league where there are games like Last man standing, or merc, etc... A league similar to how the (NFL) National Football league is set up. There will be an on and off season, prematches, playoffs, and a championship match between the two top clans. The only difference if of course there wouldn't be a draft. I would want it set up so that if any clan wanted to join the league they can apply to join and wait for approval and then be added to the clan list. There would be a schedule filled out for that whole season in advance so that everyone in the league can plan ahead to make those times available. If anybody would be interested in helping create something great like this please don't hesitate as I would need all the help I could get. Thanks everyone, -Nunez P.S. If you want to get ahold of me without posting on the topic shoot me a message or email me at Nunez716@gmail.com
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