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Everything posted by ewardd

  1. There must be an way. I once seen this from client side : x
  2. Hello everyone. How can i get by who i being gripped from client side in mp game? So i check if i being gripped ( fd.forceGripCripple != 0 ) and how can i get by who? I tryed to use loop for every player to check if fd.forceGripEntityNum (what entity i'm gripping - as desc says) == my client id, but fd.forceGripEntityNum is always 0.
  3. Oh yeah, it is cuz of Russian language. How can i fix this?
  4. Hello everyone Im trying to run compiled openjk.x86.exe and im getting "Debug Assertion Failed". Im using VS 2012 It says: File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\isctype.c Line: 56 Expression: c >= -1 && c <= 255 If i press 'Skip' few times game will run and work as it must. How can i fix this? : o
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