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Everything posted by SenorCojonez

  1. Allright, but thanks for your help anyway! I need all information that I can get.
  2. Hmm so basically there is nothing we can do about this... I've read that range-bans arent a good solution either, because this will block normal clients too and since JKA community is dyin that wouldn't be smart. So beside the MAC-Adress there is nothing whith what I could identify a specific client or better, ban him?
  3. I've read similiar threads but none of them had an actual conclusion for my issue. So we have this one client always messing around so we decided to ban him. Beside the fact that he has dynamic IP he also uses VPN's to connect to our server. My question know is is there a mod or something to ban his MAC-Adress? I think this isnt as easy as to change his IP...or is there even something better? Anything that you cant change?
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