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Everything posted by vargus92

  1. cheers bro! ill be sure to stick around! might have to redownload me some moviebattles and get on there!
  2. sorry its .com not net
  3. Been around the star wars jedi community since mystery of the sith game battles days but never had my own character until my bro grew out of it and i took over playing jk2 and jka, Currently part of a quiet community www.jediorderclan.net, under the rank of knight who isnt so active, that likes to come together now and then and relive the old times id say this place could be our savior if the community is strong and i have a feeling ALOT of famous names among the skinning, moviebattles and jedi gaming community could make an appearance if this carries on growing. Clinging mars is an old member who i thought was still in our clan but who knows its good to see some faces though jka was my home in some lonely and darker years of my life when i moved towns so its hard to let go! im 21 so i might not be so active on the online communities anymore because theres a massive lack of them but if this place gets buzzing ill gladly be apart of it!
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