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  1. Well, I must say I'm disappointed. You guys obviously did not bother reading all the details on my post, and automatically label me as a troll. It hurts even more that the first few posts were really welcoming and gave me hope. Lamer or not, I supported JKA as its one of my all-time favorite games. And just making one comment assuming everything about me and then telling me that your going to block me then give some garbage insult just makes you look like a fool. As I clearly stated in my first post that the escapism thing was a thing of the past. I don't RP anymore, and you be-little me for liking to RP as some meanie in the past? Who are you to judge? Who are you to belittle me? Its rather apparent that those who berate me have no manners. You can insult me all you want, but I have the last laugh because I am honest about myself, and respect others despite my intentions. So sorry, but the only "trolls" here are the ones who label without thought.
  2. I respect your dedication to the rules because I am well aware of them indeed. However, I like to think of it as a natural struggle of order and chaos that should not, and cannot be broken. Lamers spread chaos, Admins reinforce order. If there were no lamers than admins would have nothing to do to flex their additional power. While I'm not really offended, and it doesn't help that this is an internet forum so most threats are null and void, its rather rude to tell someone that the "community is better without you." That will only give you a bad label around these forums. That isn't what I want. I want to get along with everyone. It is silly to argue about order and chaos in a gaming community, I know, but that's what I like to think. But nonetheless despite my self-proclaimed reputation I am well-respected amongst most admins, even after they slap me and put my PC to sleep. =D
  3. Hm... I wonder if I am doing something wrong with the all seeing mod. I unzipped to base and the only difference is that internet was replaced with jkhub.org. I did read in the comments below the download page something about renaming a file, or something. I cannot seem to figure it out.
  4. JA+ and Movie Battle are the latest in my memory. I have not had this game installed since 2005, when it started dying, so it is nice to see those two doing well. I doubt I'll go back to moviebattle since people only played DOTF map. It was rather boring, even though i COULD teamkill for laughs. Thank you for the patch, as well as the all seeing browser. I shall install them both and see if my luck will improve. P.S. isn't the hookshot /bind key +button12 i tried this on one server but it did not work. Perhaps it did not have JA+.
  5. Reinstalled... The servers seem a bit empty, but then again I have yet to download any mods of the sort. If any of you would be so kind as to enlighten me on any mods that people are using and that will make their servers accessible? I do know that moviebattles will not show up unless you have the actual mod installed. And it says I can update it online to 1.01 or whatever, but I lack the knowledge how. It would seem I am far more rusty than I first envisioned. A helping hand would be most kind.
  6. DPD will do if you do not want to spell out my full name. It is time I undust the game and come back for I miss it a bunch. I am the *self-proclaimed* Legendary Lamer who spread chaos and disorder throughout all of the servers throughout Jedi Academy Multiplayer. Or so I enjoyed to think. JKA was the pinnacle of escapism for me and the character DPD served as the host. Do I expect people to care? Nah. But its just fun writing things out, and it is good practice for me because I want to write novels. But seriously I lamed ALOT and I enjoyed every moment. Discovering this site has pleased me, and has given me hope that perhaps I can go back to the old days now that my schedule is more flexible. It would be nice to experience such joy. A pleasure to meet you all.
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