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Angels of Fire (AoF) is recruiting!

Vorus Both

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Greetings, fellow Jedi Knight players, and those of you looking into the game. If you are looking for a fun, friendly community to learn how to play or to just have fun playing the game with, come on over to AoF! We are always recruiting and we are not a skill based clan. All we look for is a good attitude and the ability to follow our rules!


Angels of Fire Jedi Order is a Semi-RP clan, as we like to call it. We do not focus solely on RPing and running story arcs and the like. We mostly play duels, TFFA matches, and things like that. However the RP side of things is that we run the clan with a Jedi Order style system. When you join the clan you'll join at the rank of Hopeful, eventually moving up until you get a Master who will take you as his Padawan. We do things such as talk about and learn how to apply the lightsaber forms and Jedi Codes to the game itself.


Almost everyone who has ventured in and applied to the clan in the past 10 years has found that they love the unique way in which we like to play. Feel free to head on over to the forums and introduce yourself at www.aof-clan.com! You can also find us on the top bar of JKHub under the Groups section.


Our server IP is and you can find us on the server list at ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AoF Recruiting".


If you have any questions, or are having trouble connecting to or finding the server, feel free to either post on the forums or hit me up on Steam! My display name is Mister~Slippy.



(You can click on both the clan website for the link, and my display name for the link to my profile on Steam, should you choose to add me.)




Thanks for reading and see you on the server,



Jedi Knight, Vorus Both




This evening, Monday September 7th, I will be on and/or available to play on the server between 7 pm EST and 12 am EST (GMT -5:00)

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