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jkRanked.com JKA ELO SYSTEM

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Hello, I want to present you 3 servers with Ranked ELO system based on names.

The site URL is: https://jkranked.com

How does it work?

Just go in and play with your favorite name.
This website will show the ranked of the players without registering.
Every duel, saber or force will be registered in our system.
Every one minute the website will update with your new score.
You need over 10 duels in each category to start the ranked.
The base ELO score is 1200.

The system has an automatic penalty when someone usurps names.

There are 3 servers:

South America Server
jkRanked.com | SA / connect sa.jkranked.com:29070
Location: Santiago, Chile

North America Server
jkRanked.com | NA / connect na.jkranked.com:29070
Location: Ohio, USA

Europe Server
jkRanked.com | EU / connect eu.jkranked.com:29070
Location: Frankfurt, Germany

Current season: 1
There will be prizes for the top 3 players in the two categories (Sable and Full Force) in each region of Season 2 starting in August.

Community Discord: https://discord.gg/Pa6sZnW

Mod used: JA + Mod 2.4 B7


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