About This File
Kill Tracker 101 is basically a heavily modified version of 'Mau'Dae's Kill Tracker 2.0', using the source code Mau'Dae released online.
(Available at http://emon.home.icq...ackerSource.zip).
The difference between Kill Tracker 2.0 and Kill Tracker 101 basically is that I've added a large number of extra features to it that I have always thought would be useful in the versions of Kill Tracker I have used before.
Instructions For Use :
Install the Kill Tracker EXE into the 'Gamedata' directory of JK2.
Then, in Kill Tracker 101 type in the name field, your EXACT name in JK2 (Without the color tags. ie, NOT ^1*^4Tim^1*, just *Tim*, etc ;D)
In JK2, in the console, type '/name' (Without quotes) and Kill Tracker 101 will do the rest.
Now, Simply running the jk2mp.exe file now will not activate Kill Tracker 101.
To activate the Kill Tracker without needing GSA, etc,
In Kill Tracker 101, click the "Run Jedi Kinght II: Multiplayer" button, and it will do the rest.
(Note: I sometimes got an error with JK2 when I did this, after opening KT101 using a shortcut. I think it may be just my computer, but I'll inform you anyway. If this does happen [The JK2 console will just sit there], simply go to the Gamedata directory, open KT101 directly and try it then.)
To Activate Kill Tracker 101 using GameSpy Arcade or another game-related program, simply set that program to run the Kill Tracker EXE instead of jk2mp.exe.
Main Features:
-Kill Tracker
Upon killing someone in any way (Except kicking) the kill tracker will add one to it's counter and display a custom "Kill" message that you can customize.
Upon kicking someone to death, the kill tracker will add one to it's counter and display a custom "Kick" message that you can customize.
-Death Tracker
Upon being killed by someone, the tracker will add 1 to your death count, and then display a custom "Killed" message. The same applies from above when you are kicked to death.
-Duel Tracker
Upon initiating a duel, you can display a custom mwssage at the beginning of the duel, and then a custom message at the end of the duel, whether you won or lost will determine what the message will be.
Upon completing a duel, 1 will be added to your duel tracker and 1 will be added to your 'won' or 'lost' tracker.
(ONLY if you finish a duel with someone killing someone. Otherwise it isn't counted)
-EVERY message available for others to see (ie !time, !info, etc) has the ability to be modified to your liking. So perhaps if you wish to have your own color scheme, etc, you can now do that.
-A button that will allow you to start up the Kill Tracker without having to run it through a program such as GameSpy Arcade or any other similar program.
-An extensive list of commands available, listed below.
These commands are entered into KT101 when you 'speak' them in-game:
!ad - A message displaying the credits to Kill Tracker 101 are displayed. (Useful if anyone asks 'What is that thing?' )
!deaths - Will display a message stating how many times you have been killed before.
!duelinfo <playername> - Typing '!duelinfo ' and someone's name (ie !duelinfo Tim) will display a message stating how many times you've dueled them, won, and lost. (NB, the name you type must be EXACT! Or it will not work.)
!duels - Will display a message stating how many duels you have done before.
!duelwins - Will display a message stating how many duels you have won before.
!duellosses - Will display a message stating how many times you have lost a duel before.
!echoon - Instead of displaying these messages to everyone, enabling this and then entering commands will make them output, only that u may see them. (Pretty much using the '/echo' cmd instead of '/say')
!echooff - Will deactivate what was said above so everyone can see your messages again.
!info <playername> - Will do the same thing as !duelinfo, but will display your kills and deaths instead of duels with that person.
!kezmanon - Activates the Kezman filter.
One of my clan mates, Kezman, discovered that by typing in'was sabered by Tim' (Or perhaps even binding it) would trigger Mau'Dae's Kill Tracker and add 1 to your count. Because others soon started doing this, my counter shot up something like 100 kills in one day (Which isn't too much But I wanted to keep my kill count real)
To counter this, I've implemented the "Kezman Filter". When active, it will not allow people to trick your tracker.
However, due to a possible bug (I haven't actually seen it, but I believe it may pop up at any time) that would make the Kill Tracker not respond to certain players, I have given the option for the Kezman Filter to be turned on and off, so you may protect your kill records and keep them legit. (Sorry Kez! )
!kezmanoff - Deactivates the Kezman filter.
!kills - Will display a message stating how many kills you have.
!ktoff - Will disable the messages that appear whenever you kill/die/duel. (The kill tracker is still counting your kills,
just not saying the message you set.)
!kton - Will enable the kill/die/duel messages again.
!otherinfoon - When this is on, other people may use your '!info' function simply by saying "!info <playername>" like you would.
This feature is quite nifty for those who want to keep track of their kill/death info you have.
!otherinfooff - To prevent spamming, or if you just don't want to share your tracker with others, you
can disable other people's ability to use your '!info' function.
!rndcolor - A random color for your lightsaber will be chosen.
!time - A message will be displayed stating the time, as taken from your computer's clock.
Known Bugs:
I have noticed that when Kill Tracker 101 works on a server with a mod enabled, the duel counter may not work properly. If so, the Kill Tracker has been programmed to disregard any duels that have had an error in them.
(Ie, they aren't counted.)
If you kill someone, and the Kill Tracker doesn't register that kill, first, in the console, type /name (Just to activate the Tracker if it isn't on), and if that doesn't work, then try typing !kezmanoff
(Note: If you do encounter a bug, or something that you think the Tracker shouldn't be doing, then please e-mail me.)
The whole experience of coding Kill Tracker 101 has been extremely fun, and I have learnt a LOT more about programming now.
Thank you for downloading Kill Tracker 101 and I hope you have as much fun with it as I have!
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