Team Free For All

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Team Free For All or TFFA (unofficially often referred to as Team Deatchmatch or TDM), is a multiplayer gametype available in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. It is a team version of FFA in which each team attempts to reach a total kill limit before the other team. This is the most commonly used competitive gametypes, both in tournaments and clan matches.

Related Cvars

  • g_gametype 6 - sets the server to TFFA mode.
  • timelimit - sets the round time limit.
  • fraglimit - sets the number of kills needed to end the round.

Related Commands

  • ammap 6 - followed by a map name can be used to change to TFFA by JA+ server admins.

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy maps

Picture Name Location Map
Vjun Sentinel Vjun ffa1
Korriban Tombs Korriban ffa2
Tatooine City Tatooine ffa3
Rift Sanctuary Chandrila ffa4
Taspir Taspir III ffa5

Bonus maps

Official bonus maps made available by Raven Software:

Picture Name Location Map
Gas Mine Kril'dor ffa_bonus1
The Fortress Blenjeel ffa_bonus2
Conquest of Byss Byss ffa_bonus3
Ord Mantell Canyon Ord Mantell ffa_bonus4

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast maps

Picture Name Location Map
Bespin Streets Bespin ffa_bespin
Death Star Death Star ffa_deathstar
Star Destroyer ffa_imperial
Garbage Facility Nar Shaddaa ffa_ns_hideout
Nar Shaddaa Streets Nar Shaddaa ffa_ns_streets
Massassi Temple Yavin 4 ffa_yavin
Bespin Exhaust Shafts Bespin ctf_bespin
Garrison 27-D ctf_imperial
Warring Factions Nar Shaddaa ctf_ns_streets
Temple Tournament Yavin 4 ctf_yavin
Imperial Labs: Raven ffa_raven