Power Duel

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Revision as of 16:49, 30 August 2022 by LusoJedi (talk | contribs)

Power Duel is a multiplayer gametype available in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. This gametype is similar to Duel, but instead of 1v1 duels, Power Duels are 2v1 duels. Instead of a single queue of duelists, there are two queues: Lone and Pair duellists. Lone duelists are given a health advantage over the Pair duellists.

This gametype was one of two added in Jedi Academy, the other one being Siege.

Jedi Academy Maps

Picture Name Location Map
Bespin Courtyard Bespin duel1
Generator Room Naboo duel2
Imperial Shaft duel3
Imperial Control Room duel4
Taspir Landing Taspir III duel5
Yavin Training Area Yavin 4 duel6
Rancor Pit Korriban duel7
Abandoned City Korriban duel8
Hoth Canyon Hoth duel9
Vjun Fuel Processing Vjun duel10

Bonus Maps

Official bonus map made available by Raven Software:

Picture Name Location Map
Coruscant Coruscant duel_bonus1