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A DFA, or "Death From Above" (not to be confused with a kata) is a special move initiated with a certain combination of keys. These are often spammed by beginners who don't know how to combat effectively, or by people looking for a cheap kill. When used effectively, they are a formidable force in saber combat.

List of DFAs

Yellow DFA

In singleplayer, there are two versions of this DFA. Both of them share similar keystrokes: when using Yellow stance, hold jump and press Attack while moving forward. This results in a


This varies between JK2 and JKA. In JK2 MP, keep a chain going and then press jump during a transition. In JKA, this became a bit more complicated, but the premise is that you press jump and attack at the same time, instead of using a chained attack. JK2 SP follows roughly the same guidelines as JKA. This results in a large forward lunge which is capable of killing a player in one hit.

Blue DFA

While crouched and moving forward, press attack one time. This results in an uppercut move.