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.veh files contain definitions for vehicles. The are found in the ext_data/vehicles subdirectory.


This is a list of properties for vehicles, as found in template.veh

char		*name;			//unique name of the vehicle

//general data
vehicleType_t	type;			//what kind of vehicle
int		numHands;		//if 2 hands, no weapons, if 1 hand, can use 1-handed weapons, if 0 hands, can use 2-handed weapons
float		lookPitch;		//How far you can look up and down off the forward of the vehicle
float		lookYaw;		//How far you can look left and right off the forward of the vehicle
float		length;			//how long it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
float		width;			//how wide it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
float		height;			//how tall it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
vec3_t		centerOfGravity;	//offset from origin: {forward, right, up} as a modifier on that dimension (-1.0f is all the way back, 1.0f is all the way forward)

//speed stats
float		speedMax;		//top speed
float		turboSpeed;		//turbo speed
float		speedMin;		//if < 0, can go in reverse
float		speedIdle;		//what speed it drifts to when no accel/decel input is given
float		accelIdle;		//if speedIdle > 0, how quickly it goes up to that speed
float		acceleration;		//when pressing on accelerator
float		decelIdle;		//when giving no input, how quickly it drops to speedIdle
float		strafePerc;		//multiplier on current speed for strafing.  If 1.0f, you can strafe at the same speed as you're going forward, 0.5 is half, 0 is no strafing

//handling stats
float		bankingSpeed;		//how quickly it pitches and rolls (not under player control)
float		rollLimit;		//how far it can roll to either side
float		pitchLimit;		//how far it can roll forward or backward
float		braking;		//when pressing on decelerator
float		turningSpeed;		//how quickly you can turn
qboolean	turnWhenStopped;	//whether or not you can turn when not moving
float		traction;		//how much your command input affects velocity
float		friction;		//how much velocity is cut on its own
float		maxSlope;		//the max slope that it can go up with control

//durability stats
int		mass;			//for momentum and impact force (player mass is 10)
int		armor;			//total points of damage it can take
float		toughness;		//modifies incoming damage, 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc.  Simulates being made of tougher materials/construction

//visuals & sounds
char		*model;			//what model to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
char		*skin;			//what skin to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
int		riderAnim;		//what animation the rider uses

char		*soundOn;		//sound to play when get on it
char		*soundLoop;		//sound to loop while riding it
char		*soundOff;		//sound to play when get off
char		*exhaustFX;		//exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s)
char		*trailFX;		//trail effect, played from "*trail" bolt(s)
char		*impactFX;		//impact effect, for when it bumps into something
char		*explodeFX;		//explosion effect, for when it blows up (should have the sound built into explosion effect)

//other misc stats
int		gravity;		//normal is 800
float		hoverHeight;		//if 0, it's a ground vehicle
float		hoverStrength;		//how hard it pushes off ground when less than hover height... causes "bounce", like shocks
qboolean	waterProof;		//can drive underwater if it has to
float		bouyancy;		//when in water, how high it floats (1 is neutral bouyancy)
int		fuelMax;		//how much fuel it can hold (capacity)
int		fuelRate;		//how quickly is uses up fuel
int		visibility;		//for sight alerts
int		loudness;		//for sound alerts
float		explosionRadius;	//range of explosion
int		explosionDamage;	//damage of explosion

int		maxPassengers;		// The max number of passengers this vehicle may have (Default = 0).
qboolean	hideRider;		// rider (and passengers?) should not be drawn
qboolean	killRiderOnDeath;	//if rider is on vehicle when it dies, they should die
qboolean	flammable;		//whether or not the vehicle should catch on fire before it explodes
int		explosionDelay;		//how long the vehicle should be on fire/dying before it explodes

//camera stuff
qboolean	cameraOverride;		//whether or not to use all of the following 3rd person camera override values
float		cameraRange;		//how far back the camera should be - normal is 80
float		cameraVertOffset;	//how high over the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 16
float		cameraHorzOffset;	//how far to left/right (negative/positive) of of the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 0
float		cameraPitchOffset;	//a modifier on the camera's pitch (up/down angle) to the vehicle - normal is 0
float		cameraFOV;		//third person camera FOV, default is 80
qboolean	cameraAlpha;		//fade out the vehicle if it's in the way of the crosshair