A demo is a client- or serverside recorded replay. Demos are used in competitive play to prove the correctness of a played match and for creating fragmovies. Since demo files are really small, it's easy to share whole matches with other people which would be huge files when saved to an actual video format.
Recording Demos
To record a demo you need to type g_synchronousclients 1, record nameofthedemo (or just record which will generate files with continuing numbers) and after that g_synchronousclients 0 into the console. Some mods allow recording demos without having to use the g_synchonousclients command.
Watching Demos
You can watch demos by either opening the demo menu or by typing in 'demo [nameofthedemo]' into the console (without the []). The demos need to be in the base/demos folder to get recognized by the game.
Files Types
Jedi Academy on version 1.0 reads .dm_25 files while the update 1.01 uses .dm_26 files. Jedi Outcast uses .dm_15 (on version 1.02 and 1.03) and .dm_16 files.
Jedi Outcast included a sample demo file showing an FFA match with the player as Kyle with a yellow lightsaber fighting what seems to be bots. This file was titled JK2FFA.dm_15 and was found in assets0.pk3 of the disc and digital versions.
Software Demos
The term 'demo' may also refer to a freely distributed piece of an upcoming or recently released video game. Demos are typically released by the game's publisher to help consumers get a feel of the game before deciding whether to buy the full version. Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy both had free demos, with the former being an original level set on planet Alzoc III and allowed the player to use a lightsaber from the start, and the latter containing 2 levels that were later seen in the final game: Mercenary Activity and Cult Sighting.