An npc is a non-playable character. These npcs serve as allies, enemies, and actors in various games.
A modder is able to modify .npc files, or files that contain information regarding the npc's make up. These files contain a variety options that control the npc. A full list of these options can be found here, compiled by dusty22.
The player can also spawn npcs using the npc spawn command:
The player can also spawn by using the control command. This allows the player to control the NPC and play through the npc's perspective.
Finally, in JKA the player can also take the form of an npc by using the playermodel command.
List of NPCs
A full list of JKA's npcs can be found below. This list was retrieved from this source.
alora alora_dual assassin_droid atst atst_vehicle bartender bespincop boba_fett chewie cultist cultist_destroyer cultist_drain cultist_grip cultist_lightning cultist_saber cultist_saber_2 cultist_saber_throw cultist_saber_med cultist_saber_med2 cultist_saber_med_throw cultist_saber_med_throw2 cultist_saber_strong cultist_saber_strong2 cultist_saber_strong_throw cultist_saber_strong_throw2 cultist_saber_all cultist_saber_all2 cultist_all_throw cultist_all_throw2 cultist_saber_powers cultistcommando desann elder elder2 galak galak_mech glider gonk gran gran2 granboxer granshooter hazardtrooper hazardtrooperconcussion hazardtrooperofficer howler human_merc human_merc_bow human_merc_key human_merc_rep human_merc_flc human_merc_cnc larnic_racto impcommander imperial impofficer impworker impworker2 impworker3 interrogator jan jawa jawa_armed jedi jedi_hf1 jedi_hf2 jedi_hm1 jedi_hm2 jedi_kdm1 jedi_kdm2 jedi_rm1 jedi_rm2 jedi_tf1 jedi_tf2 jedi_zf1 jedi_zf2 jedi_random jedif jedimaster jeditrainer kyle lambdashuttle lando luke mark1 mark2 merchant minemonster monmothma morgankatarn mouse noghri nulldiver player prisoner probe protocol protocol_imp r2d2 r2d2_imp ragnos rancor rancor_mutant rancor_vehicle rax rebel rebel2 reborn reborn_dual reborn_new reborn_staff reborn_twin rebornmaster rebornmasterstaff rebornmasterdual Vkothos dkothos rebornacrobat rebornboss rebornchiss rebornfencer rebornforceuser rebornrodian reborntrandoshan rebornweequy reelo remote remote_sp rockettrooper rockettrooper_w rockettrooper2 rocks rodian rodian2 rosh_penin rosh_penin_noforce rosh_dark saber_droid saber_droid_training saboteur saboteurcommando saboteurpistol saboteursniper sand_creature sand_creature_fast seeker sentry shadowtrooper snowtrooper stcommander stofficer stofficeralt stormpilot stormtrooper stormtrooper2 swamptrooper swamptrooper2 swoop tauntaun tavion tavion_new tavion_sith_sword tavion_scepter test tie-bomber tie-fighter trandoshan tusken tuskensniper ugnaught wampa wampa_vehicle weequay weequay2 weequay3 weequay4 wildtauntaun x-wing yt-1300 z-95 kyle_boss |