Competitive Player Encyclopedia

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This is a list of competitive Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast players. To be considered for this list can be all players who played in public ladders or tournaments.


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
abaddon Single, Duals Myth x - -
afiNity Single Vintage, 7Lives, corona, 1hit, Ensium, Axis, crow x - admafi
aoshi Duals aXiom, starAiming, xeTox x - -
arkanoid Single no Limits x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Balin Single x - -
barnes Single, Staff corona, Vintage, roYality, Powerplay, 1hit, 7Lives, xenTinels x - -
bAsti Single starAiming x - dream
battousai Single aXiom x - -
bimon Single starAiming, Powerplay, RGA, LeiSuRe x - -
blane Single x - -
bloodclaw Single aXiom, Saber Riders, p3g x - -
Borka Staff Violence Perfected, ENSIUM, AErial, Axis, Avengers Force x - The Great Hungar


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
ched Single proMotion,, progib, Quattro x - -
cheek Single Vintage, mk3, 333, saber Legends, Joker x - -
cmdkeen Single Vintage, 1hit, Ensium x - space
Colin Single Joker, corona, Crow x - Dr. Troy
core Single no Limits x - -
cptdno Single Vintage, Slaves of Force x - Dunno
creature Single Vintage, Powerplay, 1hit x - -
crush Single starAiming, Vintage x - bäm
Crypton Single xeTox, Saber Riders, corona, xenTinels, Joker x - Dr. McNamara
Cube Staff no Limits x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
DarK Single zedi, Ozone, JAA x - -
Dark Single aXiom x - -
Delice Single crow x - -
d'light Single Haste, 7Lives, Powerplay x - -
Dental Single x - -
dentoN Single Axis, 7Lives, Bear x - -
Despair Staff, Single aXiom, starAiming, xeTox, no Limits, saber Academy, corona x - -
dev Single starAiming, aXiom x - -
devon Single aXiom, corona x - -
Die_d00pel_Null Single J7, aimnex x - -
Diesel Single Vintage, 7Lives x - Duff
divinity Single starAiming, neXor x - -
dni Single Violence Perfected, 40s x - -
dreamz Single corona x - torax
Dureal Single aXiom x x -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Eldirian Single Final Seconds, TuA x - -
elixir Single starAiming, Sith Alliance x - -
eSca Single x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Fishform Single Axis x - -
forsaken Single Royality x - -
fortis_miles Single aXiom x - -
Freeder Staff Violence Perfected, Airzone x - Frd
Frozzt Single x - -
Fuller Single x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Geetar Single x - -
Gromaz Single aXiom, BHK, corona x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Hacher Staff TuA, Vintage x - skyler
HawLe Staff, Single 7Lives, Haste x - -
hiRes Single Hells Army Clan x - -
Hisownfoot Single Savior, Sin, CC x - -
Hitless Staff Violence Perfected, ENSIUM, AErial, Axis, Avengers Force x - -
hoppeL Single saber Academy x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Icarus Duals, Single xeTox, Myth, RSO x - -
Inf!N!ty Single td4w, proMotion,, progib, Quattro x - -
inpanic Single x - -
inu Single Vintage x - art


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Jerdor Single, Duals Violence Perfected, 40s, Final Seconds, 7Lives, dimX x - Jrrrr


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
kamui Single starAiming, Sith Alliance, Hells Army Clan x - -
kinetic Single Vintage, 1hit, Ensium, RSO, dimX x - jubetuc
krone Single starAiming x - -
KusanaGi Staff Eternity, Joker x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Lala Single Vintage, Ensium x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Manoriax Single starAiming x - -
Mapcleaner Single Sith Alliance, Powerplay, Violence Perfected, 40s x - -
Minneyar Single Jedi Sentinels, xenTinels, zedi, LionHeart x - -
mrl Single aXiom, xeTox, saber Academy x - maerlin, light
muq Single starAiming, Hells Army Clan x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
naimon Single Vintage x - -
namu Single Vintage x - Damon
Necez Single r2r, WarMachines, vanQuish, dimX x - -
ney0 Single x - -
NikeStyler Single xeTox, corona, p3g, roYality, xenTinels, 7Lives x - -
nobody Single Powerplay, Violence Perfected, Vintage, 1hit, 40s x - -
noiz Single x - -
nStriker Single x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Osiris Single Ozone, no Limits, zedi x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
pain Single x - -
panic Single x - -
pAt Single starAiming x - -
phreek Single Powerplay x - -
Ping Single JAA x - Masta


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
radonis Single starAiming, aXiom x - -
ragga0 Single Vintage, corona, Jedi7, aimnex x - -
reTry Single Jedi7 x - -
rvn Single airzone, marauders x x crew
rcX Single xeTox x - fab1
rzr Single Violence Perfected, Powerplay, 7Lives, 40s, 1hit, corona x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Sadrior Single aXiom, p3g x - -
Scapa Duals axis x - -
Scary Single Vintage x - -
S3cht Staff no Limits, Violence Perfected, CC x - Zeht
Seph Single starAiming, Hells Army Clan x - -
Serra Staff starAiming, aXiom x - -
Sabµ Single eQualize, WarMachines, DimX, Final Seconds x - -
Shinzo Single ENSIUM x - -
Shirasaya Single aXiom, no Limits x - evil
Soca Single x - -
soxaz Single starAiming, Sith Alliance x - -
spiffy Staff x - stardust
Spiritz Staff 40s, Final Seconds, TuA, 7Lives, dimX, eF x - -
staxx Single Vintage x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Talon Single starAiming x - -
tech Single Savior, Wovian, Sin, 1hit x - -
Temok Single Abyss, WarMachines, r2r, vanQuish, dimX, Final Seconds x - -
Tequila Single no Limits x - -
Till Staff Violence Perfected, Ensium, 40s x - hanzo
TribaL Single eQualize, WarMachines, vanQuish x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Vegeta Staff 7Lives, 1hit x - t1nzo
ViKinG Single eQualize, WarMachines, r2r, vanQuish x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
Waldkauz Single saber Academy x - -
Warhammer Single aXiom, starAiming, corona, 1hit x - WesleySnipes, Gintama
Warp Single aXiom, p3g x - -
Westbam Single Vintage, Jedi Sentinels, aimnex, 7Lives x - Durex
Whitesnake Staff starAiming, Vintage, Violence Perfected, p3g, Powerplay, 40s x - JohnnyGambler
Wisnia Single x - -
Wonder Staff no Limits x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
x4n Staff no Limits, 7Lives, xeTox, corona x - -
xerxes Single aXiom x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
yami Single Vintage x - -
yolo Single x - -


Name Saber Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO Aliases
zeno Staff starAiming, eSe x - zenocyber
zentur1o Staff aXiom, xeTox, corona, mk3 x - evilWindu
zerosoul Staff aXiom x - -
zulu Staff Violence Perfected x - -