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The ClanMod is a multiplayer mod created for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast. Created by "NeWaGe" (aka erfg12) and released on July 25, 2007.

This was made for server administrative control and to aid clan control. It comes with a bunch of ready admin commands for your enjoyment and security system to prevent crashing. It is very similar to Makermod & JA+ due to the ability to place objects and FX on any given map and the function to use emotions, admin commands, and along the lines everything else.

It comes with 5 levels of admin powers for your clan if your into that sorta thing. Each with its own password protection and simple tool to customize the selection of admin powers for each.


  • All basic server options are customized in server.cfg
  • All weapon damages are customized in damages.cfg
  • All customizable sayings for admin commands in sayings.cfg
  • All bit values given in bitvalues.txt or use the corresponding calculator executable.


Max connections per ip. This is to protect servers from fake clients flooding the server.


Message of the day in the console.


Center screen message of the day.


Time for the center screen message of the day to display for. Set in seconds.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow or disallow the color black in names (^0).


1 = on, 0 = off. Show status at the end of a duel. (health/shield remaining and who won).


1 = on, 0 = off. Restrict the amount of duel distance before breaking the duel.


1 = on, 0 = off. When being force gripped, your lightsaber shuts off.


1 = on, 0 = off. Can change fighting styles (dual wield, staff or single) without having to die or re-join.


1 = on, 0 = off. When you join spectators, and re-join the actual game you do not lose your score.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow someone to force pull a player after they are lying on the ground.

NOTE: There is a glitch where if someone stands on top of another player and force pulls you while the player is knocked down, they can die immediately. This attempts to fix it.


1 = on, 0 = off. If the scores are tied, there will be a sudden death between winning tied players.

NOTE: If 2 bots win and tie, these sudden death matches can go on FOREVER. This attempts to fix it.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow the fighting move force kick flip.


1 = on, 0 = off. Prevents people from accidently saying a clan or admin password in chat.


Set in milliseconds. Force duel force regen rate. Similar to g_forceRegenTime.


Controls what emotes are allowed. Use Tools/Emote Calculator.exe to configure this number.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow the /jetpack command.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow the /KnockMeDown command.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow the /drop command.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow the /report command.


Configure what player starting weapons are.

0 = only saber, 1 = only melee, 2 = melee + saber.


0 = instant kill, 1 = injure. Players under elevators. If set to 1, players can get stuck under elevators. Use /kill if you get stuck.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow normal lightsaber duels.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow force power duels.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow training duels.

A training duel (training session) is where you and another player can practice in privacy, away from other players. Weapons, force powers, and infinite HP is allowed.

Use /endduel to stop the training session.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow melee only duels. (fists and kicks only)


1 = on, 0 = off. Force players to automatically bow when a duel starts.


Duel shield start levels.


Set in milliseconds. Protects server from being flooded with saber style change commands.


Set in milliseconds. Grappling hook shoot timeout. Time it takes from 1 shot to the next.


Set in milliseconds. How fast the grappling hook goes after being shot.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow the use of a grappling hook.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow the use of the c_chatColor cvar.


1 = on, 0 = off. Allow players to have the same name.


1 = on, 0 = off. Protect the server from a chat flood.


Set in secconds. If a player is idle, protect them after this many seconds.

0 = off. Does not work when in a duel, or in another zone.


The speed of a force gripped player moves.



0 = no followers. Quantity of allowed NPC followers.


1 = on, 0 = off. Disallow the use of Padawan as a player name.

Players have 30 seconds to change name or else it will be changed for them.


Players new name after being renamed by force from Padawan.


Servers protected clan tag(s). Requires clan login in 30 seconds or you will be renamed by force.


Password to use the clan name tag. Also shows player as (clan) under the /who command.

Can also use /clansay to speak with clan members.


Quantity of warnings before name being locked. Helps to prevent people from changing it back to a protected tag after being renamed.


Force push/pull items. 0 = disabled, 1 = push/pull healths & shields, 2 = push/pull healths, shields, & dropped flags

cm_news1_time cm_news2_time cm_news3_time

cm_news1_content cm_news2_content cm_news3_content

Content and times for news tickers. Can be used to remind players of rules every so often, or remind them of upcoming events.

Times are in seconds. News is shown in console, not center screen.

clan_website clan_initials clan_fullname clan_moreinfo

Server clan information. Shows in the clan information menu.

set cm_precoded_badwords "0"

cm_badword1 cm_badword2 cm_badword3 cm_badword4 cm_badword5

bad word filter system. Pre-coded words are the typical US curse words.


1 = on, 0 = off. Empowered players have infinite force powers.


1 = on, 0 = off. Terminator players have infinite ammo.

cm_adminPassword1 cm_adminPassword2 cm_adminPassword3 cm_adminPassword4 cm_adminPassword5

cm_adminControl1 cm_adminControl2 cm_adminControl3 cm_adminControl4 cm_adminControl5

5 different levels of administration. Set individual passwords and controls for each. You do not need to set them all.

m_v1 m_v2 m_v3 m_v4 m_v5 m_v6

Customizable vote options. EXAMPLE: Disable Auto Bow:cm_autobow 0 to vote on disallowing automatic bowing before each duel.


These are used to control certain commands. Use the tools in the Tools folder that comes with the mod download to help.

You can use the HTML bitrate calculator at

Enable DMFlags


  • No Falling Damage - 8
  • Fixed FOV - 16
  • No Footsteps - 32
  • JK2 Yellow DFA - 64
  • Easy Start Rolling - 512
  • JK2 Style Roll - 1024
  • No Slide on Head - 2048
  • Enable Macro Scanning - 4096

Enable Admin Powers

cm_adminControl1, cm_adminControl2, cm_adminControl3, cm_adminControl4, cm_adminControl5

  • AdminTele - 1
  • Freeze - 2
  • Silence - 4
  • Protect - 8
  • amBan - 16
  • amKick - 32
  • NPC - 64
  • InsultSilence - 128
  • Terminator - 256
  • DemiGod - 512
  • AdminBan - 1024
  • Scale - 2048
  • Splat - 4096
  • Slay - 8192
  • GrantAdmin - 16384
  • ChangeMap - 32768
  • Empower - 65536
  • Rename - 131072
  • LockName - 262144
  • CSPrint - 524288
  • ForceTeam - 1048576
  • ChangeMode - 2097152
  • Monk - 4194304
  • Weather - 8388608
  • AddEffect - 16777216
  • Punish - 33554432
  • Sleep - 67108864
  • Slap - 134217728
  • LockTeam - 268435456
  • AddModel - 536870912
  • Who IP - 1073741824
  • AmVSTR - 2147483648

Enable Emotes


  • MyHead - 1
  • Cower - 2
  • Smack - 4
  • Enraged - 8
  • Victory - 16
  • Victory2 - 32
  • Victory3 - 64
  • Swirl - 128
  • Dance - 256
  • Dance2 - 512
  • Dance3 - 1024
  • Punch - 2048
  • Intimidate - 4096
  • Slash - 8192
  • Sit - 16384
  • Sit2 - 32768
  • Point - 65536
  • Kneel2 - 131072
  • Kneel - 262144
  • LayDown - 524288
  • BreakDance - 1048576
  • Cheer - 2097152
  • Surrender - 4194304
  • HeadShake - 8388608
  • HeadNod - 16777216
  • aTease - 33554432
  • ComeOn - 67108864
  • Kiss - 134217728
  • Hug - 268435456

Force Power Disabling


  • FP_HEAL 1
  • FP_JUMP 2
  • FP_SPEED 4
  • FP_PUSH 8
  • FP_PULL 16
  • FP_GRIP 64
  • FP_RAGE 256
  • FP_PROTECT 512
  • FP_ABSORB 1024
  • FP_TEAM_HEAL 2048
  • FP_TEAM_FORCE 4096
  • FP_DRAIN 8192
  • FP_SEE 16384
  • FP_SABERTHROW 131072

Weapon Disabling


  • WP_MELEE 4
  • WP_SABER 8
  • WP_DEMP2 512
  • WP_THERMAL 4096
  • WP_TRIP_MINE 8192
  • WP_DET_PACK 16384
  • WP_BRYAR_OLD 65536
  • WP_EMPLACED_GUN 131072
  • WP_TURRET 262144

Vote Disabling


  • MAP 4
  • KICK 16
  • SLEEP 1024
  • SILENCE 2048


A list of admin commands created for clanmod. Many others are the same as in JA+


Teleport a client to a certain place.

/Teleport (X)(Y)(Z) <---- Teleport yourself to a certain coordinate (type in /origin to see your current coordinates)

/Teleport (ID or Name) <--- Teleport you to a single person by their ID or Name (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Teleport (client1) (client2) <---- Teleport client1 to client2

/Teleport (client ID or name) (X) (Y) (Z) <--- Teleport a client to coordinates

/teleport <--- Command by itself will teleport you to your telemark

You can also use... /AmTele /AdminTele /Tele


This command makes a player have all weapons and infinite ammo. However, they cannot use force powers.

/Terminator <--- If command is typed in alone, it will perform Terminator on yourself

/Terminator +all <--- Terminator everyone on server

/Terminator -all <--- Unterminator everyone on server

/Terminator (client ID) <--- Terminator a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Terminator (client name) <--- Terminator a single person by their name

To unterminator a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /ammerc /amterminator


This command makes a player have all the force powers and infinite force. However, they cannot use guns.

/Empower <--- If command is typed in alone, it will perform Empower on yourself

/Empower +all <--- Empower everyone on server

/Empower -all <--- UnEmpower everyone on server

/Empower (client ID) <--- Empower a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Empower (client name) <--- Empower a single person by their name

To unempower a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /amempower


This command makes a player have only melee, but they regenerate +1HP every 1 second. However, they cannot use weapons, or force powers.

/Monk <--- If command is typed in alone, it will perform Monk on yourself

/Monk +all <--- Monk everyone on server

/Monk -all <--- UnMonk everyone on server

/Monk (client ID) <--- Monk a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Monk (client name) <--- Monk a single person by their name

To unmonk a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /ammonk


Turn the character into a demi-god (half god). You can fly through walls, and act as a spectator. You cannot be injured, and cannot attack other people.

/DemiGod <--- If command is typed in alone, it will perform DemiGod on yourself

/DemiGod +all <--- DemiGod everyone on server

/DemiGod -all <--- UnDemiGod everyone on server

/DemiGod (client ID) <--- DemiGod a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/DemiGod (client name) <--- DemiGod a single person by their name

To undemigod a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /amdemigod


Make a character fall on the ground, and unable to get up.

/Sleep (client ID) <--- Sleep a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Sleep (client name) <--- Sleep a single person by their name

You can also use... /amsleep


Protect a player on a server. If the player attacks, they will become unprotected. You cannot unprotect idle-protected people.

/Protect <--- If command is typed in alone, it will perform Protect on yourself

/Protect +all <--- Protect everyone on server

/Protect -all <--- Unprotect everyone on server

/Protect (client ID) <--- Protect a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Protect (client name) <--- Protect a single person by their name

To unprotect a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /amprotect


This command freezes a player solid and holsters their lightsaber. Rendering them unable to move.

/Freeze +all <--- Freeze everyone on server

/Freeze -all <--- Unfreeze everyone on server

/Freeze (client ID) <--- Freeze a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Freeze (client name) <--- Freeze a single person by their name

To unfreeze a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /amfreeze


Silence a client, and make them unable to move.

/Punish (client ID) <--- Punish a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Punish (client name) <--- Punish a single person by their name

You can also use... /ampunish


Change the mode in FFA gametypes.

Usage: /ChangeMode (mode)

MODES = ClanMatch, ClanMeeting, and Clear

You can also use... /amChangeMode


Force a client to a team.

/ForceTeam (client ID or Name) (TEAM)

TEAMS = free, spectator, blue, red

You can also use... /amforceteam


Type this in to find out your exact X Y and Z coordinates. An admin can teleport to these using the /teleport admin command.

/Origin <--- Find out your X Y and Z coordinates

/Origin (client ID) <--- Find out someone elses X Y and Z coordinates by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Origin (client name) <--- Find out someone elses X Y and Z coordinates by their name

You can also use... /amorigin


Silence a player on a server, making them silent till they leave the server.

/Silence +all <--- Silence everyone on server

/Silence -all <--- Unsilence everyone on server

/Silence (client ID) <--- Silence a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Silence (client name) <--- Silence a single person by their name

To unsilence a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /amsilence


Silence a person in a different way. If they do speak, they will automatically say 1 of the 4 defined insults. You can define these in the server.cfg file

/InsultSilence (client ID) <--- InsultSilence a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/InsultSilence (client name) <--- InsultSilence a single person by their name

To uninstultsilence a client, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /aminsultsilence


Force a player to kill themselves.

/Slay (client ID) <--- Slay a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Slay (client name) <--- Slay a single person by their name

You can also use... /amslay


Throw a player into the air, and let them fall to their death.

/Splat (client ID) <--- Splat a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Splat (client name) <--- Splat a single person by their name

You can also use... /amsplat


Lock a team so clients cant join it.

/LockTeam (team)

TEAMS = red, blue, spectator, join

You can also use... /amLockTeam


Stop a player from renaming by locking their name, clan, and rank.

/LockName (client ID or Name) <--- Lock a clients name.

To unlock a client's name, you must type in the command again. It's toggled.

You can also use... /amlockname


Spawn an NPC or kill one.

/NPC Spawn (ID)

/NPC Spawn Vehicle (ID)

/NPC kill all


Forcefully rename a player's name.

/Rename (client) (new name)

You can also use... /amrename


Scale a players character model. MIN = 50, MAX = 200

/Scale (client ID or Name) (scale) <--- Scale a client by their name or ID, to a certain scale

- or -

/scale (scale)

You can also use... /amscale


Slap a player in to the air.

/Slap (client ID) <--- Slap a single person by their ID (type in /WHO to see everyones ID)

/Slap (client name) <--- Slap a single person by their name

You can also use... /amslap


This command displays the IP address of a specific client.

/whoip (name) <--- Display IP address by a clients name

/whoip (client ID) <--- Display IP address by a clients ID


CSPrint stands for Center Screen Print. You can center screen print any message you want to any player you want.

USAGE: /CSPrint (player) (message) <--- Sends a message to player.

You can use all instead of a client's name to send a message to everyone

You can also use... /amcsprint /ampsay


Ban a client from the server.

USAGE: /amBan (client ID or Name)

/addip <--- Add an IP address manually

/removeip <--- Remove an IP address


Kick a client out of the server.

USAGE: /amKick (client ID or Name)


Ban a client from administration use.

USAGE: /adminBan (client ID or Name)

/addadminip <--- Add an IP address manually

/removeadminip <--- Remove an IP address


Kick a client from administration use.

USAGE: /adminKick (client ID or Name)

If you grant temporary administration to the client, you can use this to kick them out.


Change the map and gametype.

USAGE: /ChangeMap (gametype) (map)

You can also use... /amchangemap /ammap


0 = FFA



3 = DUEL




8 = CTF

9 = CTY


Place an effect on a map perminantly.

/AddEffect (fxFile)

WARNING: Once the effect is placed, it requires map restart to stop it!

EXAMPLE: /addeffect env/small_fire

/ClearEffects <-- if you want to erase the effects you've added.

/AddEffectTemp <-- if you want to add a temporary effect.

To clear effects from the map, you must restart the map or server.


Place a model on a map.

/AddModel (model)

WARNING: Once the model is placed, it requires map restart to stop it!

EXAMPLE: /addmodel models/map_objects/nar_shaddar/reelosdesk.md3

/ClearModels <-- if you want to erase the models you've added.

AddModelTemp <-- if you want to add a temporary effect.

To clear models from the map, you must restart the map or server.


This command grants a client an administration level.

/GrantAdmin (client) (password)

Use /adminKick to kick the client out of administration.


Shows your admin commands available on your administration level


This command executes the vstr.cfg file via server, and executes a variable within it.

/amvstr ffa <--- executes the variable ffa, etc.

You can edit the vstr.cfg and add your own custom variables in the gamedata/clanmod folder (server only).


Bind these commands to a key /BIND (key) (gun command).

Aim your cross hair at a client, and press the button. It will execute the corresponding admin command on that client.

  • gun_freeze
  • gun_kick
  • gun_silence
  • gun_insult
  • gun_terminator
  • gun_empower
  • gun_splat
  • gun_slay
  • gun_monk
  • gun_sleep
  • gun_slap
  • gun_punish


For help on a specific command type in /HELP (COMMAND) in the in-game console.


Put on or take off a jetpack.


Knock yourself down.


Drop your saber or current weapon.


See the center screen and console MOTD.


Show MOTD for infinite time.


Hide the center screen MOTD.


Duel with force powers.


Duel with only melee moves. (requires client plugin)


Engage in a private training session.


End training duel session.


Show all clients + their status.




Toggle teamchat mode.


Bind to key to shoot grappling hook.

/ignore (client)

Ignore a clients chat text.


Speak to clan members.


Speak to admins.


Report something to an admin.


Toggle refusing duels on/off.


Mark your origin and yaw for /teleport.


View the server's time.


Change your saber(s).

/help or /info or /aminfo or /amhelp

View all commands or get help with a specific command.


see a list of admin commands


see a list of commands


see a list of emotes


list of sayings


list of administration guns


show server saber damages


show server weapon damages


show server weapon velocities


Emotions used in clanmod. All commands can have a /am prefix.

  • dance
  • dance2
  • dance3
  • taunt
  • cower
  • smack
  • swirl
  • kneel
  • kneel2
  • point
  • breakdance
  • laydown
  • myhead
  • cheer
  • sit
  • sit2
  • slash
  • intimidate
  • punch
  • surrender
  • enraged
  • victory
  • victory2
  • victory3
  • headnod
  • headshake
  • comeon
  • kiss
  • hug
  • meditate


Requires clan mod client plugin.


Show manual.


Show admin control panel.


Just say these. No console required.

  • !showmotd
  • !hidemotd
  • !freezemotd
  • !slapme
  • !jetpack
  • !endduel


You can only use these commands in the server console on the computer you are hosting the server from.

The server commands have the same arguments as the commands given in game. Please see admin commands section.

  • addip
  • removeip
  • addadminip
  • removeadminip
  • listip
  • listadminip
  • punish
  • sleep
  • addeffect
  • weather
  • addmodel
  • silence
  • insultsilence
  • grantadmin
  • amvstr
  • empower
  • splat
  • rename
  • csprint
  • kick
  • freeze
  • changemap
  • lockteam
  • slap
  • ban
  • protect
  • demigod
  • slay
  • terminator
  • monk
  • adminban

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