Capture The Ysalamiri

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Capture The Ysalamiri is a multiplayer gametype available in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. It is similar to Capture The Flag, but instead of a flag, each team must capture the opponent's ysalamiri. Carrying the ysalamiri confers all similar bonuses as the powerup.

This gametype is exclusive to Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. It wasn't included in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, but some mods (such as OJP Basic) bring the gametype back (since the necessary code still exists in the SDK).

Jedi Outcast Maps

Picture Name Location
Bespin Exhaust Shafts Bespin
Garrison 27-D
Warring Factions Nar Shaddaa
Temple Tournament Yavin 4