Competitive Player Encyclopedia

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This is a list of competitive Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and Movie Battles II players, who played in public ladders or tournaments either as solo players or as part of a team. For each player, only the most relevant teams are listed.


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
4sTaR Single x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
abaddon Single, Duals Myth, 40s, Vice x - - -
Achilles Single corona x - - -
Adrenaline Single FoR x - - -
afiNity Single, Jedi Vintage, 7Lives, corona, 1hit, Deranged Corsairs, Ensium, Axis, crow, aimneX x - x admafi
Agent Single x - - -
Aguh Single AJC x - - -
airen Single x - - -
aliass Single x - - -
aLine Single x - - -
Alpha Single, Duals SAO, KuF, Impulse x - - 4lpha
Alucard Single purgatory x - - -
Alucard Single x - - -
Amero Single Violence Perfected, TuA x - - -
Amp Single aXiom x - - -
AnaConda Single eSe x - - LadyDale
Angel Single TuA x - - -
Angel Duals saber Academy x - - Legendz0r
Angrenost Jedi Deranged Corsairs - - x -
Anubis Single JAA, Warmachines x - - -
aoshi Duals, Single aXiom, starAiming, xeTox, myChrome, RGA, bioXar x x - -
ares Staff xenTinels, 7Lives x - - -
arkanoid Single no Limits x - - -
ASD Single Final Seconds x - - -
Astra Single x - - -
Avenger Single starAiming x - - -
Averan Single no Limits x - - -
Aztec Single Purgatory x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Babu Single 1hp x - - -
Balin Single 40s, corona x - - Edward Cullen, l1ght
Ballstar Single eSe x - - Bas1c
Bane Single x - - Dark
barnes Single, Staff corona, Vintage, roYality, Powerplay, 1hit, 7Lives, xenTinels x - - dan1
bAsti Single starAiming, no Limits x - - dream
Batsu Duals, Single 40s, roYality, hi-works, aimneX x - - -
battousai Single aXiom, starAiming x - - -
bAz Single 7Lives, Db'Xx'd x - - One Hit Travolta
Bearform Single x - - -
Beast Single 1hit x - - -
Beliar Single noLimits x - - -
Berserker Single Savior x - - Berz, Dax
BillTür Jedi Deranged Corsairs - - x -
bimon Single starAiming, Powerplay, RGA, LeiSuRe, a-gaming x - - -
bismarch Single x - - -
Blade Single x - - -
blane Single x - - -
Blitzfrag Single x - - -
blizzard Single x - - -
bloodclaw Single aXiom, Saber Riders, p3g, Jedi Knights, bioXar x - - -
BlueFiftyTwo Single sacroma x - - -
Blutfrost Single Powerplay, no Limits, corona, Abyss, joKer x - - -
Bones Single x - - -
Borka Staff,Single Violence Perfected, Ensium, AErial, Axis, Avengers Force, Soul x - - The Great Hungar
Bratac Single, Duals saber Knight, Antharas, TheAncient, L7, BG x x x Lukas, shshss, fusy
Brave Single x - - -
braviiia Single sY x - - -
Broken Single Ozone, Jedi Knights x - - -
Bud Single Jedi7 x - - -
BuDgi Single x - - -
BuZZes Single RGA, Slaves of Force x - - -
Byakko Single SAO x - - Jose, Yunjei, Kaiburjc


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
C4ne Single Leisure x - - -
Chaos Single Powerplay, corona, aimneX, 1hit x - - -
Chaos Single xeTox x - - -
cKm Single TuA x - - Crackman
ched Single proMotion,, Quattro x - - -
cheek Single Vintage, mk3, 333, saber Legends, xeTox, Joker x - - -
ChoudZume Single Royality x - - -
Chronos Single x - - -
cmdkeen Single Vintage, 1hit, Ensium x - - space
Cloud Single aXiom x - - -
Colin Single Joker, corona, Crow x - - Dr. Troy
Comma Single Cerberus, TuA x - - -
Conquistadorre Single x - - -
core Single Db'Xx'd, no Limits, TuA x - - -
Corey Single Royality x - - corinn
cosax Single dbxxd x - -
cptdno Single Vintage, Slaves of Force, CreARTivity, JokeR x - - Dunno
Crabform Single x - - Sugarrr
crave Staff FoR,TuA x - - -
creature Single Ozone, Vintage, Powerplay, Violence Perfected, 1hit x - - crea
Crimelord Staff Impulse,TuA x - - -
Criz Single saber Academy x - - -
crush Single starAiming, Vintage x - - bäm
Crypton Single xeTox, Saber Riders, corona, xenTinels, p3G, eSe, Joker, crow x - - Dr. McNamara
Cube Staff no Limits x - - -
Culex Single SaberRiders x - - -
Curve Single x - - sRw


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
D1eabz Single mk3 x - - -
Daedalus Single 7lives x - - -
Damien Single x - - -
Danio Single x - - -
Danjoo Single mk3, roYality, corona x - - -
DarK Single zedi, Ozone, JAA, TuA x - - The Thing
Dark Single aXiom, eSe x - - -
Dark Single x - - -
Darkness Single saber Knights, Legendary Warriors x - - Dark_Storm
Darkstar Single Master x - - Master Darkstar
Darth.Hunter Single German Troopers x - - -
Darth Thyranus Single starAiming x x - -
Dead_Storm Single Legendary Warriors x - - -
Delice Single sacroma, crow x - - -
Delight Single x - - -
Del Single x - - -
d'light Single Haste, 7Lives, Powerplay x - - -
Dental Single joker x - - -
dentoN Staff, Single Axis, 7Lives, Bear, Soul, invision x - - -
Dermian Single AJC x - -
Despair Staff, Single aXiom, starAiming, xeTox, no Limits, saber Academy, corona, BHK x - - Dexu
Desperate Single sacroma x - - -
Desp Single x - - -
dev Single starAiming, aXiom x - - -
devon Single aXiom, corona x - - -
DeXo Single corona, xenTinels, Jedi Knights, TuA, Eternity, 1hit x - - -
Die_d00pel_Null Single J7, aimnex, Db'Xx'd, LionHeart, crow x - - -
Diesel Single Vintage, 7Lives x - - Duff
Dirty Hairy Single saber Academy, xeTox x - - -
Disturbed Single x - - -
Divide Single Db'Xx'd x - - MnemiC
divinity Single starAiming, neXor, Ozone x - - -
dni Single Violence Perfected, 40s x - - -
dopeFish Single - x - -
Doru Staff crow x - - -
Drag Single Hells Army Clan, starAimimg, eSe, mk3 x x - -
Drawner Staff Violence Perfected, Ensium x - - -
Draycon Single Slaves of Force, German Troopers x - - -
Drdh Single Voltage x - - Prototype
dreamz Single corona x - - torax
Dureal Single aXiom x x - -
Dust Single Salem x - - -
Dwight Single TuA x - - -
Dyth Single aXiom x - - Carnage


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Eazy Single Xentinels, LionHeart, Jedi Sentinels x - - -
Eldirian Single Final Seconds, TuA x - - -
elixir Single starAiming, Sith Alliance x - - -
eLminster Single saber Academy, High Fidelity x - - -
eLusiVe Single Slaves of Force x - - -
Ender Single Sp!rit, TuA x - - -
Erwin Single SAO x - - -
eSca Single Slaves of Force, saber Academy, eSe x x - -
eSp Single Purgatory, Axis, eleVen x - - -
Evil Dragon Single eSe x x - -
Extremo Single Slaves of Force x x - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
fabeeh Single Sith Alliance, Powerplay, corona, Bear x - - -
Facy Single x - - -
fatality Single starAiming x - - -
Feature Single starAiming x x - -
Ferocity Single Jedi Sentinels x - - -
Ferran Single x - - -
Figo Single Predators x - - -
Fire Single x - - -
Fishform Single Axis, Reverse Polarity, 7lives, xenTinels, Abyss x - - Kenny
Flamxy Single x - - -
forsaken Single Royality, ResisTance, a-gaming, Leisure, Joker x - - -
fortis_miles Single aXiom x - - ErdWurmJim
four fun Single x - - -
Fobos Single x - - Mobi Dick
Fox Single Ozone x - - -
FreaK Single x - - -
Freeder Staff, Single Violence Perfected, Airzone x - - Frd
Freeway Single Jedi Knights, TuA x - - -
freeq Single Jedi7, invision, xlr8, Haste, 7Lives x - - -
Fresh Single x - - -
frozen Single corona x - - -
Frozzt Single x - - -
Fuller Single x - - -
Fusion Single TuA x - - -
fussel Single corona x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Gambit Single Axis, Reverse Polarity, eva x - - Orb
Geetar Single x - - -
George Single x - - -
Gh0st Single x - - -
Gigabyte Single, Staff Team Titans, New Era, 2xct, Astralis, saber Knights x - - -
Godlike Single TuA x - - -
Gorn Single x - - -
Grapix Single x - - -
Gravity Single x - - -
Gravy Single xeTox, Db'Xx'd, Eternity x - - angelus
grimmhoold Single 7Lives, invision, Jedi Knights x - - -
Grizzly Single xenTinels, Jedi Sentinels x - - -
Gromaz Single aXiom, BHK, corona x - - -
GR33NPE☮CE Single spm, GoD x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
H1gh Single x - - -
Hacher Staff TuA, Vintage, Powerplay, xeTox, sA x - - fatborka
Hamed Single SAO, KuF x - - Chapa, Crawford
hatch Single x x - -
HawLe Staff, Single 7Lives, Haste, TuA x - - -
Hell Raiser Single TuA, Ozone, xeTox, RSO, vVv x - - -
HiFly Single Powerplay, TuA x - - -
hiRes Single Hells Army Clan x - - -
Haito Single Wovian, WoV, Master, Kaizo, Malice, TuA x - - -
Hisownfoot Single Savior, Sin, CC x - - -
Hitless Staff Violence Perfected, ENSIUM, AErial, Axis, Avengers Force x - - -
hoppeL Single saber Academy x - - -
Holic Single x - - -
hvka Single saber Academy x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Icarus Duals, Single xeTox, Myth, RSO, TuA, vVv x - - -
Iconoclast Single x - - ico
Idri Single TuA,Abyss x - -
Idzen Single SAO x - - Leviel, Wotan, Jaiko
ignias Single x - - -
Immortal Single no Limits x - - -
Inf!N!ty Single td4w, proMotion,, progib, Quattro x - - -
inpanic Single sacroma x - - -
insane Single Powerplay, aXiom, TuA x - - -
insane Single Ozone x - - -
intense Single TuA x - - tobi
Intrepid Single Wovian x - - -
inu Single Vintage, eleven, Legendary Warriors x - - art
invent Single x - - -
iPod Single x - - -
Itachi Single TuA x - - Pein, Sasuke


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Jawa Single crow x - - -
Jaws Single JAA x - - -
Jenova Single x - - -
Jerdor Single, Duals Violence Perfected, 40s, Final Seconds, 7Lives, dimX x - - Jrrrr
Jeremy Single no Limits, p3g, xeTox, Godlike, mk3, Lionheart x - - -
Jew Single 7Lives x - - Vegeta - t1nzo
Johauna Single x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Kain Single JAA, Hacker, Cerberus ,TuA x - - -
kaizer Single x - - -
kamui Single starAiming, Sith Alliance, Hells Army Clan, p3g x - - sandler
kamui Single x - - -
kangaxx Single Voltage x - - -
kazuma Single Voltage x - - -
Kenshin Single aXiom x x - -
Kenshinz Single x - - Prodigy
KeRn Single saber Academy x - - -
keYzen Single SAO x - - Odin
khako Single Savior x - - -
kinetic Single Vintage, 1hit, Ensium, RSO, dimX, Joker x - - cobalt, jubetuc
Kip Durron Single starAiming - x -
Knight Single x - - -
Knuspa Single saber Academy x - - -
Krone Single Sith Alliance, starAiming x - - Dragon, Kr0n3
KuN Single Myth x - - -
KusanaGi Staff Eternity, Joker x - - -
kYoz Single Jedi Rogues, TuA x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Lala Single Vintage, Ensium, Joker x - - -
Laucha Single AJC x - - -
Lavitz Single 1hp x - - Vlad
leagman1 Single Db'Xx'd x - - -
LeonDrag Single SAO x - - Zenasd
Legate Single IIIYE, Illuminati x - - -
LemoN Single x - - -
Llova Single x - - -
LordofSith Single eSe x - - -
Loto Single Savior, JAA x - - -
Luke Single saber Knights x - - -
Lupus Single Slaves of Force x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Maarek Single Axis, Antares x - - -
Mac Single x - - -
Madness Single Ozone, Powerplay x - - -
Madox Single Jedi Sentinels x - - -
Mage Single x - - -
magz Single Cerberus,TuA x - - Magnus
Manoriax Single starAiming x - - -
Mapcleaner Single Sith Alliance, Powerplay, Violence Perfected, 40s x - - -
Mara Single NoFear, saber Knights x - - -
Merbor Single TuA, Solum, Joker x - - -
meribo Single x - - -
mariachi Staff 333 x - - -
Mazahaka Single Bad Company x - - -
mentira Single Powerplay x - - -
Mercury Single Powerplay x - - -
Messiahs Single aXiom, corona x x - -
Method Single xenTinels, haste,TuA x - - -
Midgard Single starAiming - x -
Minneyar Single Jedi Sentinels, xenTinels, zedi, LionHeart x - - -
Mirai Single Lionheart x - - -
Mith Single inSane x - - -
mnu Single Violence Perfected, TuA, No Surrender x - - -
Morph Single TuA,RSO,Galicia,Sp!rit x - - Morphy
motu Single x - - OiNE
moutargo Single Powerplay x - - megara
mrl Single aXiom, xeTox, saber Academy, bioxar x - - maerlin, l1ght, longgiraffe
muq Single starAiming, Hells Army Clan x - - -
MuSe Single Db'Xx'd, LionHeart x - - -
myway Single x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
n7 Single x - - Ken Toshi
naimon Single Vintage, crow x - - symbiz
namu Single Vintage x - - Damon
nassui Single x - - -
Nation Single starAiming, aXiom x - - -
Navy Single x - - -
Necez Single r2r, WarMachines, vanQuish, dimX, TuA x - - -
Nemesis Single roYality, mk3, BHK, p3g, aXiom x - - -
Neral Single x - - -
Never Duals x - - -
NeXus Single Slaves of Force x - - -
ney0 Single p3G, royality, corona x - - -
NikeStyler Single xeTox, corona, p3g, roYality, xenTinels, 7Lives, aimneX x - - -
Ninja Single x - - -
nobody Single Powerplay, Violence Perfected, Vintage, 1hit, 40s, Joker, Ensium, xeTox x - - nbdy
nobodz Single x - - -
noiz Single xeTox, no Limits, saber Academy x - - -
nStriker Single Royality, Corona, Joker, Eternity, creARTivity x - - -
Nuke Single starAiming x - - -
Nyze Single starAiming x - - -
n3w Single, Duals röfögtetők x - - nyu


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Odin Single x - - -
Oldeeh Single x - - -
orion Single eXile, 333, xeTox x - - -
Old School Single TuA x - - -
Osiris Single Ozone, no Limits, zedi x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Pablo Single TuA, Galicia, Sp!rit, Voltage, AJC x - - The Great Spanish
Pain Single 1hit x - - -
panic Single xeTox, p3g x - - linux
Parazitu Single x - - -
pAri Single SaberRiders x - - -
pAt Single starAiming x - - -
pennyw1se Single Powerplay x - - Trumpet
Persie Single xenTinels, Jedi Sentinels, Ensium x - x -
Peruna Single Cerberus, TuA x - - -
phreek Single Powerplay x - - -
Piccolo Single JAA, Cerberus, TuA x - - -
Pingu Single x x - -
P!ng Single JAA, Hacker x - - Masta
Predator Single x - - -
Predator Single Master x - - -
prAment Single crow, TuA x - - -
premz Single x - - -
profits Single Savior, CC x - - Kommence
Pr0Kata Single JASA, 3c, SAO x - x pwnAge²
Psycho Single Master x - - -
Pulse Single x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Qwerty Sniper Deranged Corsairs - - x -
Quality Single x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
R2-D2 Single JAA x - - -
R4m Single x - - -
Rade Single corona x - - -
radonis Single starAiming, aXiom x - - -
ragga0 Single Vintage, corona, Jedi7, aimnex, mk3 x - - -
Rakka Single Legendary Warriors x - - -
Raptor Single TuA x - - wrap
Raizen Single x - - -
Raja Single starAiming x - - -
ramp Single xenTinels x - - -
Rancor Single corona x - - -
RaZiel Single xenTinels, 7lives, Violence Perfected, Joker, Eternity, corona, Axis, Vice x - - -
Raziel Single x - - -
rcX Single aXiom, xeTox, phoenix, Lionheart, mk3 x - - fab1
Rebel Single Slaves of Force x - - -
Reelay Single x - - -
rEIrOU Single starAiming - x - -
Renato Single AJC x - - -
reTry Single Jedi7 x - - -
reTry Single pro-gaming - x - -
Revyls Single saber Legends, xeTox, Elemental, chrome x - - Aero
Rev Staff TuA x - - -
Rewind Single x - - -
Rhodium Single TuA, Sp!rit x - - -
robb Single Savior, Impulse x - - -
Ropa Staff TuA x - - -
Ross Single 1hp, Impulse x x - -
Ruiz Single TuA x - - Impact
Rusinator Staff Team Titans, New Era, Astralis, Burning Crusade x - - -
rvn Single airzone, marauders x x - crew
rzr Single Violence Perfected, Powerplay, 7Lives, 40s, 1hit, corona, aimneX x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Sabµ Single eQualize, WarMachines, dimX, Final Seconds x - - -
Sadrior Single aXiom, p3g x - - -
Saito Single Purgatory x - - -
Samix Single 7Lives, TuA x - - -
Sapo Staff SAO x - - -
Scapa Duals Axis x - - -
Scary Single Vintage, DreaD x - - -
Schadox Single Legendary Warriors x - - -
Scorpion Staff x - - Szejku
Scy Single, Staff NoFear, saber Knights, röfögtetők, No Surrender x - - Scythe
S3cht Staff, Single no Limits, aXiom, Violence Perfected, CC x x - Zeht
Selkit Single x - - -
Seph Single starAiming, Hells Army Clan, xeTox x - - -
Seph Single saber Knights x - - -
Serra Staff starAiming, aXiom x - - -
Seth Single Jedi Sentinels x - - -
Shad Single TuA, no Limits, aXiom, Axis, haXiom, xeTox, purgatory x - - slimmm
Shadow Single x - - -
Shake Single x - - -
Sheepo Single Followers of Ragnos x - - -
Shellz Single LionHeart x - - Kenshin
Shinzo Single Ensium, Xentinels, roYality, Powerplay, Lionheart, Eleven x - - -
Shirasaya Single aXiom, no Limits, starAiming x - - evil
Shoah Single Haste, BSG x - - -
Shogun Staff x - - sho
Shox Staff TuA x - - -
Shox Single x - - -
sh0 Single Wovian x - - -
Shyne Single RSO, Eternity, 40s x x - -
Silence Single x - - -
Silent Single x - - -
Sineeh Single Abyss, Bear x - - sino
SiNiStaR Single Master x - - -
skyu Single x - - -
slAve Single x - - -
Slize Single No Limits, Ozone x - - -
Smile Single Jedi Knights, Versatile, 7Lives, Ensium, Abyss x - - -
Snake Single SAO x - - -
Snake Single x - - -
Snipe Single x - - -
Soca Single sacroma x - - -
Soph Single Impulse x - - -
soxaz Single starAiming, Sith Alliance x - - Tyler Durden
Spawn Single starAiming x x - -
spiffy Staff x - - stardust
Spike Single, Staff aXiom, Jedi Knights, TuA x - - -
SpirituS Single x - - -
Spiritz Staff 40s, Final Seconds, TuA, 7Lives, dimX, eF, Soul x - - -
Spooke Single Jedi Sentinels, xenTinels, TuA x - - Shino
Srethem Single Bad Company x - - -
Starty Single, Staff Impulse x - - -
staxx Single Vintage, Powerplay, 1hit, p3G, 7Lives, corona x - - -
Steal Single corona x - - -
Stoneripper Single x - - -
sylezz Single starAiming x - - -
suffix Single x x - -
Sun Single Vintage x - - -
suPeerOke Single crow x - - -
Switcher Duals x - - -
Sword Single Master x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Talon Single Hells Army Clan, starAiming x - - -
Tarantula Staff eva,, Quattro x - - -
Tarzan Single x - - -
Tear Single inVision, TuA x - - -
tech Single Savior, Wovian, Sin, 1hit, Royality x - - -
Temok Single Abyss, WarMachines, r2r, vanQuish, dimX, Final Seconds x - - -
Tequila Single no Limits, corona, 1hit x - - JambalayaJo
Terra Single TuA x - - -
the end Single Jedi Knights, Ensium, 1hit, Solum x - - -
Threepwood Jedi Deranged Corsairs - - x -
Thund Single Db'Xx'd, TuA, Eternity, Myth, 1hit, Violence Perfected, Sith Alliance x - - -
Thunder Single, Duals SAO x - - thndr, 7h
tissdeason Single x - - -
Tom Single Kaizo, vP, maLice, Wovian x - - -
Tommo Single Haste,No Surrender x - - -
Tiber Single Abyss x - - Tibby
Tido Single JAA, Master, WoV x - - spitf1re, Nikky Sixx
Till Staff, Single Violence Perfected, Ensium, 40s, crow, 1hit x - - hanzo
Toaster Single Db'Xx'd, eQ, TuA x - - -
Tor Single RuS, Team Titans x - - -
TribaL Single eQualize, WarMachines, vanQuish x - - -
Tray Single x - - -
Trey Single x - - -
Tribun Single sCa.h4u x - - Diego
tRiox Single x - - -
Trivium Single Db'Xx'd x - - -
Turin Single starAiming x - - -
Turrican Single aXiom x - - Ryaneko
Twilight Single aXiom, TuA x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Vegeta Staff 7Lives, 1hit x - - t1nzo
Ven Single no Limits, Ozone, Lionheart, zedi x - - RiC
ViKinG Single eQualize, WarMachines, r2r, vanQuish x - - -
Viper Single x - - -
Viro Single starAiming - x -
Virus Duals Sith Alliance, starAiming x - - -
Virus Staff noLimits x - - -
Void Single eX x x - d0mi
V-Tec Single - x - fau


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Waldkautz Single saber Academy x - - -
Warhammer Single aXiom, starAiming, xeTox, p3g, corona, 1hit, royality, saberRiders x - - WesleySnipes, Gintama
Warmaster Single TuA x - - -
Warp Single aXiom, p3g x - - -
Water Single Impulse x - - -
Westbam Single Vintage, Jedi Sentinels, aimnex, 7Lives, 1hit x - - Durex
Whitesnake Staff starAiming, Vintage, Violence Perfected, p3g, Powerplay, 40s, BHK, Leisure x - - JohnnyGambler
Windu Single Ozone x - - -
Wisnia Single Corona x - - -
Witcher Single x - - -
Wizard Single starAiming x x - -
Wonder Staff no Limits, xeTox, TuA x - - -
Wrongful Staff Blitzkrieg x - - wrg


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
x4n Staff no Limits, 7Lives, xeTox, corona, 1hit, Abyss x - - -
xann Single rQ x - - -
xardas Single x - - -
Xender Single, Staff Db'Xx'd x - - -
x3res Single nL x - - -
xerxes Single aXiom x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
yami Single Vintage, TuA x - - -
Yberion Single x - - -
Yerelaer Single x - - -
Yeti Single x - - -
Yeti Single x - - -
Yod1ta Single KuF x - - Ark
yolo Single Bad Company x - - -
yorg Single x - - -


Name Saber / Class Clans & Teams Nationality JKA JKO MB2 Aliases
Zara Single 1hit, TuA x - - -
zch Single, Duals x - - -
zeuS Single,Duals,Staff Galicia,Sp!rit x - - George4ever
Zeal Staff x - - -
Zemik Staff Db'Xx'd, TuA x - - -
zekk Single 1hit, Powerplay x - - -
zenocyber Staff starAiming, eSe, LeiSure x - - zeno
zentur1o Staff aXiom, xeTox, corona, mk3, p3g x - - evilWindu, sicK, anemic
zerosoul Single, Staff aXiom x x - -
ZuiZiD Single aXiom x - - -
zoniq Single aXiom, BHK, p3g, mk3 x - - toobeh
zuLU Single, Staff, Duals Violence Perfected, vanQuish, dimX, nTw, inV, WarMachines, eQ, Sith Alliance x - - The Great Swede
Zulu Single Follower of Ragnos x - - -
zYne Single x - - -