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Status Updates posted by Lazarus

  1. Coffee, accepted morgages, and a new life challenge. Oh yea, and an unfinnished SP mod I need to finnish 😉

  2. Mapping again, working on terrain fillers.

  3. Happy holidays to all!

  4. So appearantly the Force decided that being a dad of just one kid isnt enough. So ... yea ... becoming a dad a 2nd time in October.

  5. having fun with cutscenes .. tie fighter flyby with sound :D it works!

    1. IrocJeff


      Where does the model go when its out of the cutscene? Does it disappear?


    2. Lazarus


      Its a func_static, (origin brush and a nodraw box) with the model2, so I can remove the entity via Behaved :)

  6. Hmmm, the whole site of Lassev is down for cutscene and npc behavior tutorials. I guess more trial and error ...

  7. All day, every day, i am drinking coffee!

    1. JAWSFreelao


      you and me both. I got a keurig machine and I've never been happier

    2. Lazarus


      I got a delongi. Only buy beans the machine does the rest

  8. NPC ... hurray, we getting somewhere!

  9. Cutscenes ... cutscense everywhere... i have to rethink my mapping strategy

    1. Ramikad


      Cutscenes are cute.

  10. Seeking knowledge ...

    1. Ping
    2. Lazarus


      scriptwise, i am just playing with a script on animations in a cutscene, try and do better :)

  11. Monday Morning Coffee .... who invented monday anyawy? Who invented week days... damnit, i only want weekends!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ping


      bullshit belongs in the toilet

    3. Ping


      ... or on the fields as manure, I guess.

    4. Futuza


      Just noticed your signature link is broken. You should update it to the new one: https://jkhub.org/page/mapping.html

  12. Mapping and alcohol ... can't seem to get my brush straight...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eezstreet


      you should drunk-map an entire map using only the clipper tool

    3. Oobah


      You must practice the art of drunk mapping fu. I did it with Massassi. It's more than possible.


      Map out core room setup first, then work on the little details after. Should make it easier for yeah.

    4. z3filus


      alcohol makes it easier to relax, and just create a room after a room, in no time.

  13. I need coffee

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Vulcan


      I brought Stroopwafels from home, I hope that's good enough!

    3. Lazarus
    4. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      Cookies!! Gimme gimme gimme gimme!! Right meow!

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